The Evolution of Christmas Cards: From Origin to Meaning

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Christmas cards have existed as an essential item for people to send each other good wishes and bright hopes for a peaceful new year. So when did Christmas cards come into existence? How does an ordinary card become a special thing for Christmas? Let's find out the story behind it with Mykingdom!

When was the first Christmas card created?

According to Ace Collins, author of the book “Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas,” “In Victorian England, not responding to letters was considered impolite." But Sir Henry Cole - an English civil servant and inventor - was so busy that he did not have enough time to personally write Christmas letters to friends and relatives.

That's why he went to artist John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903) to find a solution that was both time-saving and meaningful, which is how the Christmas card was born. So on Christmas 1843, Horsley launched the world's first Christmas card .

The card is a 3-part painting. The middle part depicts a family gathering at a Christmas party, while the remaining two parts on both sides depict scenes of poor children being well fed and warmly clothed. The Christmas card featured the greeting: “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.”

The painting caused controversy due to the scene of children drinking alcohol because this era was the temperance movement (campaigning against the recreational use and sale of alcohol, while promoting complete abstinence). , but this cannot stop buyers' demand and they are forced to print more to meet the market.

The first Christmas card was designed by J.Horsley

With the above design, Henry Cole continuously produced 1,000 cards that were lithographed and colored by professional painter Mason, resulting in the price of each card being extremely expensive. Today, only about 12 cards remain somewhere in private collections and museums.

The second Christmas card was designed by artist William Maw Egley (1826-1916), appearing in 1848. Similar to the first one by Horsley, the theme of the card also represents a scene of affluence among the classes. middle class and charity activities for the poor.

Card designed by artist William Maw Egley

In the past, people had to go to their homes to deliver Christmas cards , which caused inconvenience and took a lot of time. The Postal Act of 1839 broke this situation by regulating British postage, while democratizing mail delivery. Thanks to the 1-cent Post Office law, anyone can send items through the mail for just 1 cent. Thanks to that, handing out cards becomes easier and cheaper than ever.

Meaning of Christmas card

Christmas cards generally mean good wishes and good prayers. Christmas cards are also a great way to spread warmth and joy during the holiday season. In addition to the above meanings, the symbols on the card also have a specific meaning.

The card has a pine tree image

From a Western perspective, a green pine tree is considered a symbol of goodness and health. The leaves of the pine tree are understood to symbolize eternal existence, representing a rich and happy life. Therefore, when you choose to buy a card with an image of a pine tree, this brings the meaning of wishing the other person a life full of happiness, luck and health.

Greeting card with pine tree image

The card has a laurel wreath shape

Since ancient times, the moon ring has been a symbol of glory, power and strength, often worn by gods on top of their heads, representing authority and nobility. During the development process, the moon ring gradually became a bracelet hanging on the door of the house. This action is done with the hope that every family member will always be blessed, achieve success and luck. For this reason, the image of a wreath on a Christmas card carries the meaning of blessing and prosperity.

Greeting card in the shape of a laurel wreath

Star-shaped Christmas card

There is an ancient story that when God was born, a sparkling star appeared in the sky, so bright that it could be seen for hundreds of miles. Since then, the star has become an important symbol during the Christmas season and is often placed at the top of the tree. This action carries a profound meaning, a symbol of respect for the Supreme Being.

When you give a Christmas card with a star image to relatives and friends, this is not only a sharing, but also a good wish. The card conveys the message of wanting the recipient to be enlightened by God and lead the way to happiness.

The star image on the card conveys a good message

Beautiful Christmas card with Santa Claus

The image of Santa Claus on the card is meant to remind children that they must obey and study hard so that he can visit and give them gifts at Christmas. Choosing a card with the image of Santa Claus also conveys a positive message to friends and relatives, wishing them a Christmas season filled with joy and peace.

Santa wishes everyone a Merry Christmas

The most popular Christmas card designs

The card contains good wishes right from the cover

Self-designed 3D cards like this are also very popular

The watercolor designed pine trees are both unique and eye-catching

All symbols of Christmas are present on a Christmas card template

Adorable red-nosed reindeer

Christmas card templates with humorous messages

Santa Claus has brought joy to the recipient

Innovative card with a super cool image of Santa Claus

Handmade cards carry the heart of the giver

Colorful Christmas cards are very popular

Who can resist cards with meaningful messages like these?

Mykingdom has shared with you a lot of useful information as well as beautiful and popular Christmas card designs today. Mykingdom wishes you and your family a warm and peaceful Christmas season. If you need to buy toys to give your baby for Christmas, don't forget to visit Mykingdom Toy Kingdom!

Related article: Collection of meaningful Christmas wishes, coming from the heart