What holidays are there in May? Summary of the meaning of those holidays

01.04.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
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There are many national and international holidays in May, some of which allow workers to take paid time off. Please join Mykingdom to find out what holidays there are in May as well as the meaning of these holidays.

Victory at Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954

In 2024, our country officially celebrates the 70th anniversary of the historic Dien Bien Phu victory. This was also the largest campaign in the first Indochina war. Thanks to this glorious victory, France had to sit at the table to sign the Geneva Agreement to end the war. Since then, the territories of the three Indochina countries, including Vietnam, have been restored to peace, with their sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity recognized. The Dien Bien Phu Victory is an anniversary of great significance for the country, marking the pinnacle of Vietnamese military art.

In 2024, our country officially celebrates the 70th anniversary of the historic Dien Bien Phu victory

On May 7, 1954, the red flag with a yellow star fluttered on the roof of General De Castries' bunker, which also marked the "illustrious, earth-shattering" victory of the Vietnam People's Army on May 7, 1954. The long and arduous resistance war for 9 long years is unlikely to fade in the memories of Vietnamese people. The Dien Bien Phu victory helped our country break the yoke of French colonial rule and destroy the US imperialist's plot to intervene, protecting our territorial integrity.

The founding date of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Team was May 15

On May 15, 1941, in Ha Quang district, Cao Bang province, President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam announced the establishment of the Children's Team for National Salvation (predecessor of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Team). ). This is an organization specifically for teenagers in Vietnam, guided by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

President Ho Chi Minh's birthday is May 19

President Ho Chi Minh was born on May 19, 1890 in Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province. His birthday has a very special meaning for the Vietnamese people because on this day a great man was born, devoted to the country and the people. His whole life was devoted entirely to the country, to the cause of the Revolution, bringing Independence - Freedom - Happiness to the nation. His qualities are always a shining example for the next generation to study and follow.

His birthday has a very special meaning to the Vietnamese people

International Holiday in May

Internationally, what holidays are there in May? Please join us to find out.

International Labor Day May 1

May 1 is International Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day, originating from protests in Chicago, USA. At that time, workers were brutally exploited and they stood up to demand the right to work 8 hours, rest 8 hours and spend 8 hours for fun. The protest attracted a large number of labor forces to participate, and even though it was violently suppressed, it still could not be extinguished. This holiday represents the solidarity of workers around the world in the fight for peace, democracy and social progress.

World Press Freedom Day according to the United Nations May 3

World Press Freedom Day, abbreviated as WPFD, is a day chosen by the United Nations to honor and raise awareness of the importance of press freedom globally. WPFD emphasizes the responsibility of governments to respect and protect the right to freedom of expression, as enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This holiday was created to honor and raise awareness about journalism

Mother's Day May 14

Mother's Day is a special occasion to honor mothers around the world, recognizing the great values ​​and immense love they bring. This is an opportunity for children to express their gratitude and deep love to their mother. Mother's Day is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of May. For example, in 2023, Mother's Day took place on May 14, 2023, and in 2024, Mother's Day fell on Sunday, May 12. 5.

International Red Cross Day May 8

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is one of the largest humanitarian movements globally, and marked the founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross. To commemorate Henry Dunant, the founder of this movement, his birthday was chosen as International Red Cross Day. Since 1984, this day has been renamed World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.

Victory Day against Nazi Germany May 9

May 9, 1945 marked the victory of anti-Nazi forces, called Victory Day. This event became a great symbol in human history, when the war against Fascism ended with the brilliant victory of the Soviet Red Army and the Allied countries. This victory not only marked the end of World War II but also eliminated a devastating threat to humanity.

International Family Day May 15

International Day of the Family, abbreviated as IDP, takes place on May 15 every year to honor and emphasize the important role of the family in building and strengthening the community and society. This holiday is designed to increase awareness of family-related issues, including economics and demographics.

The role of the family is very important in building and strengthening the community

International Day of Biodiversity May 22

The International Day for Biological Diversity, also known as International Day for Biological Diversity according to the United Nations, is celebrated on May 22 each year to commemorate the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the United Nations Conference. National Environment and Development. In addition to celebration, the day also aims to promote awareness of issues related to biodiversity globally.

International Day of Peacekeeping Forces May 29

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, also known as the International Day of Peacekeepers according to the United Nations (May 29), is celebrated to honor the professionalism, sacrifice and courage of peacekeepers around the world, they operate under harsh conditions to maintain order and security in every region of the world. This day is also an opportunity to honor and remember the contributions of more than 3,400 soldiers who have served the United Nations since 1948.

International No Tobacco Day May 31

According to Resolution 42.19 of the World Health Organization (WHO), May 31 is chosen as International No Tobacco Day - World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). WHO's goal is to promote smoke-free awareness worldwide within 24 hours. The larger purpose is to propagate the harmful effects of tobacco for both smokers and those exposed to tobacco smoke.

No Tobacco Day was established to raise people's awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco

So Mykingdom has answered the question of what holidays are in May . Hope you have grasped this information so you can arrange appropriate time and activities for the upcoming May.