What day is Lunar New Year 2024? What is the meaning of this holiday?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Tết Nguyên Đán 2024 là ngày mấy? Ý nghĩa của ngày lễ này là gì?


Lunar New Year 2024 is very close, everyone is extremely looking forward to this holiday. Mykingdom will help you find out when this holiday begins, the 2024 Tet holiday schedule and the meaning of this important holiday.

When is Lunar New Year 2024?

Lunar New Year 2024 (year of the Dragon) will fall on February 10, 2024 of the Gregorian calendar, the 2nd day will fall on February 11, 2024 of the solar calendar.

State's Tet holiday schedule: From February 8, 2024 - February 14, 2024 (Solar calendar) i.e. December 29, 2023 - January 5, 2024 (Lunar calendar)

What is Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year is also known as the traditional Tet of the Vietnamese people. The term "Tet" that people often call is a shortened word to refer to the Lunar New Year. The two words "Nguyen Dan" are a Chinese noun: "Nguyen" means beginning; "dan" means early morning; "Nguyen Lunar New Year" is the morning at the beginning of the year.

According to the legend "Banh Chung, Banh Day", Tet may have appeared since the time of King Hung. According to research by historian Tran Van Giap, "Lunar New Year" in Vietnam has existed since the early first century. A.C. The origin of the word Tet as well as the meaning of the word "Lunar New Year" were also popular from that time. Up to now, no one knows the true origin of Tet, only that this is the starting day for everything in the year.

Lunar New Year 2024 is the year of the Dragon

The meaning of Lunar New Year - the traditional Tet of our nation

Traditional Tet is an extremely important holiday for Vietnamese people, not only carrying spiritual value but also an ancient cultural feature that has been preserved from many generations until today.

Lunar New Year is the time when heaven and earth collide

Researcher Nguyen Van Huyen (the late Minister of Education of Vietnam) wrote: "This day is the beginning of a year, month and season. It is at the top of the rhythmic chain of periods. Therefore, that morning is The most sacred morning. It is a harbinger of auspicious events in the following lunar months. And all the gestures we do in these first hours have the effect of a precious talisman.

Because of that, "people blow on pipes to predict the nature of the year's climate conditions; people drink wine to dispel the cold and death, people burn joss paper to ward off the danger of war and swords; people wash clothes to avoid all diseases and hardships..." When the old year passes and the new year comes, people will temporarily put aside unfinished plans of the old year, whether completed or not, to prepare. Very neat for the new year.

Traditional Tet is an occasion to pray for luck and fortune

Every action on New Year's Day is a prediction for the new year. That is also the reason why people often go to pagodas at the beginning of the year to pray for wealth, fortune, health and luck for themselves and their families. On the contrary, on Tet holiday, it is taboo to collect debts, borrow money, break dishes, say unlucky things...

People often go to the temple at the beginning of the year to pray for luck and fortune

Lunar New Year is an occasion for family reunions

No matter how far they go, even abroad, Vietnamese people will still return on Lunar New Year to reunite with their families. Even though we cannot define Tet, in the minds of every Vietnamese, Tet represents family reunions, where everyone gathers together in the first moments of the new year.

Nowadays, young and modern families choose much simpler ways to celebrate Tet than in the past. Procedures have also been streamlined compared to previous times, but in general, Tet today still retains its common value, which is to return to the roots.

Tet is an opportunity to gather and reunite

Lunar New Year is an occasion to give thanks to the gods

The achievements we achieved in the past year are not only thanks to our own efforts, but also to the gods who bless us and help us overcome disasters. Therefore, on the first day of the new year, people often make offerings to the gods, express gratitude and pray for good things for the coming year.

We often see our parents making offerings on New Year's Eve. That offering tray is both the family's first meal tray and a sincere prayer to Shen Nong, Tho Dia, Mr. Cong, Mr. Tao, deceased family members,... hope they will bless you. May the new year make business smoother and more favorable.

The tray of rice offered on New Year's Eve is also the family's first meal of the year

Preserve and promote the cultural beauty of traditional Tet

Tet is always celebrated on the 1st (or 1st) day of the first lunar month every year, not only on Vietnamese territory but also in countries where the Vietnamese community is working and living. For Vietnamese people, Lunar New Year holds an extremely important and sacred position. During this holiday, people will wear the most beautiful new clothes and eat delicious Tet food.

Traditional customs during the traditional Tet holiday

Tet has many customs that have been kept for many generations, which are divided into 2 types of customs: before Tet and during Tet.

Customs before Tet

Clean and decorate the house with Tet flowers and kumquat pots

Prepare a tray of five fruits

Wrapping banh chung

Prepare new clothes

Prepare cakes and candy for guests

Prepare offering rice

Customs during Tet

Going to the house at the beginning of the year for good luck

Wish a Happy New Year

Go to the temple to pray for good luck

Lucky money

Please give couplets and wishes


Lucky money can be considered an indispensable part of every Tet holiday

For Vietnamese people, Tet is only 3 days from the 1st to the 3rd, but you will see the Tet atmosphere on every street when a week before that everyone went shopping for Tet, buying flower pots like apricot blossoms. , peach blossoms are distilled; Buy new clothes for family members; buy ingredients for banh chung; palanquin salt... There is only about 1 month left until Lunar New Year 2024 , have you and your family made plans to prepare for this holiday?