Easter activities you should know

15.03.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
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Easter is a major holiday of the year for Christians. During the holiday there will be many symbolic activities. Please join Mykingdom to learn more details about this holiday!

What is Easter?

Easter is the day used to commemorate the rebirth of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion. The earliest recorded celebration of Easter dates back to the 2nd century, but the resurrection of Jesus is believed to have taken place much earlier.

There is still no accurate information about the word Easter in English representing Easter , but in the 8th century, Saint Beda explained that the word originated from Eostre, the goddess of spring with the ability to give birth. Anglo-Saxon property. Currently. Many believers agree that the word Easter comes from the Christian name for Easter week as in the Latin phrase albis.

What is Easter?

When is Easter?

Easter 2024 will take place on the last Sunday of March, March 31, 2024. With only half a month left until this important holiday, Christians are eagerly preparing both Decorations and traditional activities are required.

Meaning of Easter

According to the Christian scriptures, after Jesus died from being crucified on the cross, He was resurrected and ascended to Heaven in a triumphant song. This is also the factor that creates belief for believers that only Jesus can bring eternal life. The story in the capital is also the reason why Christians often sing songs during Easter .

Not stopping there, Easter also takes place in the spring. Spring is the season of life and hope, tender buds grow and the whole world seems to be bathed in gentle sunlight after many cold winter days.

The holiday takes place in spring filled with vitality

Traditional activities on Easter

There are several activities that Christians do on Easter day. The first is to fast and abstain from meat during the two Ashes days and also on Holy Friday before the holiday. Abstinence is the temporary voluntary renunciation of physical pleasures, typically not smoking or drinking alcohol, not eating meat, abstaining from unnecessary needs... The portions accumulated in 2 days will be Give it to the poor or donate it to the church.

The second activity is a leaf formation taken from the Palm Ceremony. Everyone will go to church to receive leaves on Palm Day, then arrange the leaves into arbitrary shapes based on each person's dexterity.

Next is the Way of the Cross. Believers will see 12 pictures illustrating each stage that God had to go through from his arrest until his death.

The Way of the Cross is an activity of believers on Easter

Next is the foot washing activity. People believe that this is Jesus' instruction before being arrested, to wash each other's feet thoroughly no matter what position they hold. This contributes to showing the day's respect and tolerance and charity. A story in the capital also recounts how Jesus washed the feet of each of His disciples before being arrested.

Finally, the believers will act out the scene of the Lord's crucifixion. In particular, tableaus are often prepared very carefully and in detail. Stories based on Jesus' arrest until his hanging on the cross will be recreated.

Interesting activities parents should do with their children during Easter

Easter is not only celebrated in every church, parents can enjoy this holiday atmosphere at home with their children with some simple activities below.

Make your own Easter cakes with Miniverse

MINIVERSE 505471-EUC Easter Theme Miniverse Cake will help your baby create mini versions of the Easter bunny's favorite dishes. Each ball will come with all the "ingredients" and recipes for your child to create an extremely delicious dish. You can display the products on the tea table for Easter .

Decorate Easter eggs

Every Easter needs eggs to symbolize the beginning. Before the ceremony takes place, parents should punch a hole to remove the intestines, then clean and dry the eggshell thoroughly. So when the holidays come, you can use brushes and colors with your children to turn monotonous eggs into colorful Easter eggs.

Decorate Easter eggs together

Arrange tulips

Tulips are also one of the recognized symbols of Easter . You can buy tulips and then decorate a vase with your children on this important holiday. A beautiful bouquet of tulips also helps brighten the space of the house.

Hunt for glow-in-the-dark eggs

Egg hunting is a very popular activity with children. You can sprinkle glow powder on the outside of the eggshell or put LED lights inside the Easter eggs to make them stand out more in the dark. The surrounding children will gather and work together to find the Easter eggs that the Easter bunny dropped. The child who collects the most eggs will be rewarded with a small gift.

Gather together to talk about the meaning of Easter

Parents can take advantage of the holiday to sit down with their children, enjoy a delicious dinner and tell each other about the origin and meaning of Easter . When children understand more about the holiday, they appreciate traditional values ​​as well as the great virtues of Jesus more and more.

Easter has great meaning and symbolizes the faith of many people. When Easter comes, many believers get to see and remember what Jesus went through, thereby becoming stronger and more confident in the face of hardships and challenges in life. We will be reborn again after every difficulty, as long as we don't give up.