Vietnam wins big at the Global Robotics Games 2023 arena

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Việt Nam thắng lớn tại đấu trường Global Robotics Games 2023


World Robot Olympiad is the largest Robot competition on the planet, where students around the world show off their talents and win glory for the Fatherland. In parallel with the World Robot Olympiad competition, Vietnamese representatives competed at the Global Robotics Games competition - this is the only STEM Robotics competition serving the age group from 04 to 10 years old.

The first year the competition attracted 250 teams from 6 countries, and it is expected that the second year will have 15 countries participating. And this year, at the Global Robotics Games 2023 competition, Vietnam also achieved many extremely impressive achievements, making everyone proud and proud of our country's young generation.

Some outstanding achievements of the team

The journey to compete in the two largest Robotics arenas on the planet is indeed not easy. Our team had to compete with excellent students from more than 90 countries, including great powers in science and technology such as Germany, Denmark, USA, UAE, Singapore, Japan, Korea,... However, with their bravery and careful preparation efforts, they excelled in overcoming strong opponents to gain proud achievements.

The Vietnamese team used the knowledge and skills learned in STEM Robotics to achieve their goals

World Robot Olympiad 2023 Vietnam has achieved excellent achievements as follows:

- Robo Sport table: 2 teams Hong Bang 2 and Hong Bang 1 from Hong Bang Secondary School achieved Top 8 results (final ranking 6th and 7th worldwide).

Elementary table: Team HKN-B1-01 from Huynh Khuong Ninh Secondary School ranked 8th in the world.

- Junior table: Team Hong Bang 4, Hong Bang Secondary School ranked 9th in the world and both won Silver prizes in the entire competition.

- Senior table: Both Vietnamese representatives, VIET ROBOT B3-02 and We are from Vietnam, also won the final silver prize.

- The remaining Vietnamese teams such as Wellspring SG 01, Hong Bang 5, Viet Robot B2-01, WS.AIDs, WS_DTMKK, Viet robot B4-02, Wellspring SG 05, Porterror.WS from Wellspring Saigon, Wellspring Schools Hanoi, Hong Bang Ho Chi Minh City, Vietrobot & Kids Engineers Center won the final Bronze award.

Through a long process of studying, training, and practicing STEAM knowledge to solve practical problems, the students in the Vietnam STEAM Robotics team have reached out to the ocean and reaped great achievements. Extremely impressive.

Your achievements have exceeded everyone's expectations

Vietnam won all matches against serious opponents

The Vietnamese team won completely after overcoming 46 excellent teams representing Singapore, India, China and Sri Lanka. The representative player from Pacific High School - Can Tho excellently won the Championship. First prize went to Wellspring Hanoi Team 01. Second prize went to Team Eureka-B05 from Eureka - Hue center. The remaining teams also achieved high rankings in the top 10 and top 20 of the competition.

Your victory is not only a pride for the country, but also a great motivation for the young generation of Vietnam to constantly follow, strive, and believe in the STEAM education method. Furthermore, the shining achievements are also the clearest evidence of how effective the STEAM skillset is, contributing a significant part in the process of helping students become more excellent.

STEAM education method contributes greatly to today's success

Mykingdom is extremely grateful to the relevant departments and sponsors for accompanying the students throughout the duration of the Global Robotics Games 2023, so that they will be motivated and create a memorable journey. like today. Mykingdom hopes that students will constantly strive to continue achieving high academic achievements, making Vietnam famous.