What day is June 1? The origin and significance of this holiday

15.04.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
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What day is June 1 and why do children look forward to this holiday so much? Please join Mykingdom to answer this question and learn more about the origin and meaning of International Children's Day.

Is June 1 a day off?

June 1, 2024 this year will fall on a Saturday, but Children's Day is on the list of holidays according to our country's regulations, so workers will not be entitled to compensated leave.

Origin of International Children's Day

What day is June 1? This is International Children's Day, an opportunity for children to have fun and receive lovely gifts from adults. But actually this holiday started from an extremely sad event for all humanity, which took place in the years 1942 - 1944.

At dawn on June 1, 1942, German fascist troops surrounded the village of Lidice (in former Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic), they captured 173 men and 196 people including women and children. I then brutally tortured and brutally killed them. The fascists then murdered 66 more people and sent 104 children to concentration camps. Up to 88 children died due to inhaling toxic gas, and 9 children were sent to work as lackeys.

Not stopping there, on June 10, 1944, the German fascists continued to surround the French town of Oradour. They herded about 400 people into the church and set it on fire, killing everyone inside, including many women and more than 100 children. The cruelty of the fascists made all humanity angry, and at the same time they also mourned for the innocent little lives who had to leave before they could see the world.

The crimes of Nazi Germany caused the whole world to condemn

To commemorate the children murdered in that tragedy, in 1949, the International Federation of Democratic Women chose June 1 every year as International Children's Protection Day, or International Children's Protection Day for short. pediatric. The Federation has made requests to governments about responsibility for children's lives, forcing them to reduce military budgets and increase budgets in aspects of child protection, care and education. Since then, June 1 has become children's day.

Meaning of International Children's Day June 1

International Children's Day brings profound meaning not only to children but also to society and humanity in general. First, the holiday emphasizes that children are the future of the world, it is the young generation that will continue to preserve and develop values, knowledge and traditions from generation to generation. In addition, International Children's Day also emphasizes the importance of protecting children's rights. Children are very vulnerable and often unable to protect themselves. Therefore, there needs to be care and protection from the community and society to ensure that they can develop in a safe and healthy environment.

What day is June 1? This is a day for society to recognize urgent issues related to children

International Children's Day is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues facing children around the world. From poverty to violence, as well as lack of necessary education. There are millions of children around the world who are still suffering from burdens that we can hardly imagine. This day is an opportunity for us to act together to solve these problems.

How do countries around the world celebrate June 1?

Many countries around the world organize celebrations for International Children's Day with the aim of honoring the holiday as well as imparting more knowledge to people, towards a better world for sustainable development and children's happiness. Countries that are still celebrating June 1 include: America, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, Türkiye and India.

America: In the United States there is no fixed Children's Day, but it is usually celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of June. Sometimes this holiday is also celebrated with other major holidays such as Mother's Day, Mother's Day, and Children's Day. Dad…

Children's Day in the US is usually celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of June

Japan: In Japan, International Children's Day is called Kodomo no Hi, a national holiday held on May 5. In a year, there are up to 2 days for children, which are March 3 for girls and May 5 for boys.

China: In China there is no holiday specifically for children, only a combined Women's and Children's Day held on April 4. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, April 4 is considered a day for children and for people to take a holiday.

Germany: Children's holidays are celebrated in both East and West Germany. In the East, June 1 is called International Children's Day, while in the West it is called World Children's Day and celebrated on September 20.

Turkey: Türkiye celebrates Children's Day on April 23, also known as National Sovereignty Day and Children's Day.

Canada: In 1993, this country's Parliament officially recognized November 20 as Children's Day, based on the United Nations declaration on children's rights on November 20, 1959.

India: Children's Day is celebrated on November 14, the same day as the birthday of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

International Children's Day June 1 in Vietnam

International Children's Day June 1 in Vietnam was first organized on June 1, 1950, at that time our country was in a fierce resistance war against the French colonialists. However, despite having hundreds of thousands of jobs, President Ho Chi Minh always remembers the children and he sent his wishes to children across the country on this day. Since then, June 1 every year has become a special holiday for Vietnamese children.

Children's Day in Vietnam is a meaningful day for children

So Mykingdom has answered your question about what day June 1 is . We hope that children around the world will have fun and always be happy with their loved ones. Parents, don't forget to visit Mykingdom to buy suitable toys for your children as June 1 gifts.