9 folk games for children to make summer days more exciting

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
9 trò chơi dân gian cho trẻ để ngày hè thêm sôi động


During summer vacation, many parents decide to send their children back to their hometowns to visit relatives as well as let them have more life experiences with the hope that their children will have memorable summer days. However, to avoid this, children continue to Playing on mobile phones and refusing to mingle with cousins, parents can refer to the following folk games for children .

Scissors and donkeys sawing - an interesting folk game for children

This folk game for children helps children improve their memory through simple rhymes. At the same time, the game also helps children exercise gently. Parents can use this game as a daily exercise for children.

To start this game, we need to invite a friend to play with our child or parents can also play with their child. Mother and child sit facing each other, spread their legs so their feet touch each other, then clasp their hands together. The mother will teach the baby to read the nursery rhyme while pulling her hands back and forth, like the movements of two workers teaming up to saw wood.

Pull the saw and cut it

Which worker is healthy?

Come back to eat king's rice

Which worker loses?

Come back to breastfeed your mother.

Pull the jig saw

Work less, eat more

Where to sleep?

It took away the saw

What to pull?

This game is suitable for children from 2 years old. At this age, children have developed their language and motor skills so they can keep up with their mother's movements and understand rhythm, rhyme, and play.

Scissor, saw, trick and saw game for preschool children

What's the matter? - If you're quick, you win

The folk game for children Chi Chi Chanh Chanh will help children practice quick reflexes. The way to play is extremely simple, the mother just needs to spread her hand and the baby raises her index finger to point at the mother's palm. Then they both read the nursery rhyme aloud:

What's the matter?

The fire blower

The horse died

Three kings and five emperors

Take the cricket to find it

Buzzing buzzing

Close the door

Reading the word "collapse" the mother will immediately clench her hand, the baby needs to withdraw her hand quickly so as not to be grasped again. If the child does not withdraw his hand in time, he will be punished. Children aged 2 years and older will be suitable for this folk game for children , because the game does not require them to exercise much, it only requires them to be able to read nursery rhymes and have quick reflexes.

Rock, paper, scissors - a classic folk game that trains judgment

The game of rock, paper, scissors is not strange to everyone. People often use rock, paper, scissors as a way to decide the winner when they need to make a certain decision. This seemingly simple game brings many practical benefits. You need to calculate and judge the possibilities.

Can your child become a winner in a game of rock, paper, scissors?

Children can play rock, paper, scissors with 2 or more people. The two kids hid their hands behind their backs at the same time, then shouted in unison, "Rock, paper, scissors, what comes out?" Get this!”. All participants spread their hands with the following shapes: hammer, scissors, paper. We will find the winner through the following rules: scissor can beat hammer, cover can cover hammer, scissors can cut cover. The game will be suitable for children from 3 years old, when they will have enough reflexes to compete with everyone.

Release turtle leeches

This is a folk game for children that helps them strengthen connections with people as well as help them train their motor skills and agility. To play this game, parents need to gather at least 4 children. In it, one child will play the role of a leech, the remaining children hold hands in a circle, walk around the leech and recite the rhyme:

Release turtle leeches

Don't arrest women

It's the man's fault

Rice is as white as cotton

Rice is as soft as water

Pour fish sauce, pour salt

Pour banana pepper

Pour the pot of tea

Which house should I fall into?

That house must bear it.

After reading the sentence "That family must endure", the children hold hands in a circle and quickly run away to avoid being stuck by "leeches". Any child caught by a "leech" must become a leech to continue the game. This game will require chasing and quick reflexes, suitable for children aged 5 and up. Parents can invite neighborhood children to play with them so their children can make new friends.

Dung Dung Dung Dung

This is a folk game for children to exercise like an exercise. Parents can let their children play with their cousins ​​to make them more excited. There are 2 arrangements in this game.

  1. Arrange the tall children in the middle, the remaining children stand on both sides, all holding hands while walking and swinging their arms forward and back in rhythm.

  2. Let the two children stand facing each other and hold hands, then take turns swinging the left/right hands up and down to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme:

Dung Dung Dung Dung

Take the children out to play

To heaven's door

Dear uncle, dear aunt

Let me go back to my hometown

Send goats to school

Keep the toad at home

Let the chickens dig in the kitchen

Buzzing buzzing

Sit down here.

At the last verse, everyone squatted for a moment, then stood up and read the rhyme aloud as they walked. Parents can let their children play while walking around the village to get familiar with the surrounding roads. Children of any age can participate in this game.

Cat chases mouse

The cat chasing the mouse is a familiar image for children who love the cartoon Tom & Jerry. So your child will definitely be extremely excited to participate in this folk game for children .

This game is more fun. You need at least 5-7 people to start playing. One child was chosen to be a cat and one child was chosen to be a mouse. The remaining people hold hands and form a circle. Two friends, cat and mouse, stand in the middle, facing each other. Everyone will sing together:

Please come out here

Hands clenched

Stand in a wide circle

Rats slip through holes

Run quickly, run quickly

Cat chases behind

Where can I hide to escape?

Then the mouse

Turn into a cat again

Run to chase

Catching a cat turns into a mouse

At the end of the rhyme, the mouse will start to run under the mouse's hand, and the cat will chase behind, but the cat needs to run exactly in the mouse's path. The other friends will cheer together to cheer for both of you. When the cat catches the mouse, the cat will win, then the two children will switch roles as cat and mouse to continue playing. This game requires a bit of dexterity when chasing and is suitable for children aged 5 and up.

The folk game of cat and mouse makes children very excited

Practice nonsense

This is a popular children's folk game in preschools, helping children practice their observation and judgment skills. The hidden object in this game needs to be of moderate size so that the child can hide it neatly in the palm of his hand without being detected.

How to play: Have one child sit opposite the rest, holding a small item in his hand. Children will hide their hands behind their backs so no one knows which hand they hold the item with. After that, your child will put the item in one hand and hold it tightly, then hold his hand out in front of his friends, rotate his hands and read to the rhythm:

Practice nonsense

Hands without hands

Practice reaching

Hands empty

Which hand is not?

Which hand has it?

Which hand has it?

Any hands?

Finally, the child stops and holds out both hands to let the rest of the children guess which hand the hidden object is in. After everyone has finished guessing, the child will spread his hand to announce the answer and the game will continue. This game is extremely simple, children from 2 years old can play it.

Frog in the pond

Benefits: This is one of the folk games for preschool children that helps:

Train children in walking, jumping, moving, and dodging skills.

Develop qualities of agility, resilience and ingenuity.

Team spirit and boldness.

Understand more about an animal's environment as well as human activities.

How to play:

The teacher should draw a large circle in the middle of the yard to make a pond and the children will stand in a circle to make frogs. Have a child stand about 3-4 meters away from the circle, holding a small stick and pretending to be a frog fisherman. When they heard the teacher clapping to signal the start of the play, the frog makers sang the song in unison:

Frog in the pond

Just stopped raining

Jump out into the bubble

Frog croaked

Frog croaked

Saw you go fishing

Invite each other to escape quickly

Frog croaked

Frog croaked

The frogs sang and jumped out of the pond circle to the shore. At that time, the fisherman will chase, and whichever child's shoulder the fishing line touches, that child must take the place of the frog fisherman. Any frog that has time to jump back into the pond will not be caught again.

Suitable age: for everyone, so there is no age limit for participating in the game.

Dragon Snake Rising to the Clouds - a folk game for children to practice teamwork and coordination

When playing Dragon Snake Rising to the Clouds; Children can participate in group activities, strengthen solidarity and develop motor skills. Children also develop their communication skills through fun, rhyming and easy-to-remember rhymes:

Snake dragon on the cloud

There is a shaking tree

There is a troop point house

Is there a boss at home?

The game Dragon Snake Rising to the Cloud is always loved by children

Parents will let one child play the role of "boss" and sit in one place.

The remaining children will line up in a long line, walk around the yard, reading the rhyme above as they walk. When reading the sentence "Is the boss at home?" then everyone needs to stop in front of the "boss". A sitting baby can answer “yes or no”.

If the answer is "no", then the "dragons and snakes" will continue to follow each other, repeating the above sentences.

If the "boss" says yes, the whole group will have to answer the "boss's" questions.

Boss: Can I have the first part?

Whole group: The sacrum bones

Boss: Middle part, please?

Whole group: Nothing delicious

Boss: Can I have the tail piece, please?

Whole group: Feel free to chase.

As soon as the sentence ends, the "boss" will run to catch the "tail" (i.e. the last person) and the whole group will run away. The leader of the group is responsible for spreading his arms to protect the group from being captured. If the child who is the "boss" catches the "tail", the children will change roles and start playing again. Children from 5 years old will be suitable for this game because they need a lot of exercise and it is difficult to avoid collisions when chasing.

Folk games for children not only help children become more active and healthier, but can also increase social relationships for children. From there, your child will be more confident in communicating and integrating with people. The above games also do not require parents to prepare any equipment, children can participate in playing with everyone at any time, creating a lot of fun during the summer vacation.