What are the reasons why children get sick when going to preschool?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Many children get sick when going to preschool, making parents worried. Parents have to constantly take time off to take care of their children, which greatly affects the rhythm of life of the whole family. What causes children to get sick every time they go to school? Are there any measures to resolve it? Join us to find the answer!

4 main reasons why children get sick when going to school

- When going to school, your child will come into close contact with other children, play with the same toys, and eat snacks, which will increase the risk of disease transmission.
- Children do not have disease prevention knowledge. I will rub my eyes when I feel tired, grab anything to wipe my runny nose, touch a toy that has rolled on the ground without rinsing it.
- The immune system is not yet complete, making it impossible for children to fight against diseases and harmful bacteria that they have never been exposed to.
- Poor body hygiene activities such as going to the potty and changing diapers are also one of the causes that increase the spread of diseases: diarrhea, urinary tract infections.

Children get sick more easily than adults for the above 4 reasons

Increase resistance to prevent children from getting sick when going to school

When sending their children to school, parents need to be mentally prepared that their children are more likely to get sick than when they were at home. To increase resistance as well as help children recover quickly after illness, parents should supplement their children with adequate nutrients. Mothers should prepare meals with enough protein, starch, minerals and vitamins, and should not cut out any substances because children are picky eaters.

Parents need to ensure their children are fully vaccinated in the national vaccination program to prevent children from getting sick while going to school . In particular, you should not skip the flu vaccine in September and October each year. Parents should coordinate with the school about mandatory vaccinations before going to school to limit the risk of contracting the disease and spreading it to classmates.

Fully vaccinated is not only to protect your child but is also good for you

Train good habits for your children

Let children go to bed early and get enough sleep

Children from 1-3 years old need to sleep up to 13-14 hours/day, children from 3-6 years old need to sleep about 11-12 hours/day. Lack of sleep will make children tired, lethargic, and irritable, so in addition to sleeping time at school at noon, parents need to make sure their children get enough sleep for the above hours. Parents need to warn their children about taking naps at school, and ask teachers to pay attention so that their children do not get so excited that they forget to sleep.

Getting enough sleep helps children ensure health, and the body will create natural resistance to fight diseases. Furthermore, your child will also be more alert when participating in activities at school.

Wash hands with soap

Parents need to train their children in the habit of washing their hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet to minimize the risk of children getting sick when going to school . In addition, for children from 3 years old, you need to remind them to limit touching their eyes and nose with their hands, and not to put toys or foreign objects in their mouth or mouth without washing their hands to avoid harmful bacteria from entering the body. .

Washing your hands thoroughly will reduce the risk of getting sick

Teach your child not to touch his face with dirty hands and not to share items with others

For children who are not aware of hygiene, they are very susceptible to illness due to contact with bacteria and then touching their face. Educating children at home is very important. Parents need to teach their children by reminding them first, then being more strict so that their children will pay more attention to playing with toys as well as interacting with other children during school.

Increase outdoor activities to avoid children getting sick while going to school

Every child needs to exercise at least 30 minutes a day outdoors. Exercise not only helps children become healthier, but also helps them get used to changes in the weather outside, thereby developing their immune system. Parents can discuss further with their child's preschool teacher to encourage their child to exercise in group activities.

In cases where there are no physical and outdoor activities at school, parents need to make up for this gap by exercising with their children after returning from school. Refer to outdoor toys for your baby to have fun without getting bored.

Playing outdoors is both fun and helps children become healthier

Talk to the school about things to keep in mind

You need to agree with the school and other parents on letting your child stay home when they are sick, have a fever or have other contagious diseases to avoid getting sick while going to school . Taking care of your child at home will help your child recover faster and limit the spread of illness to other children in the class.

At the same time, parents should also ask the school to carefully clean spoons and rice bowls and not share spoons or towels with other children in the class. If the teacher wipes the children's faces with the same towel or feeds the children with the same spoon, the family should consider this because this action will increase the risk of disease transmission between children.

Parents should discuss the above with the school so that their children are healthy when they go to school

Every time a child gets sick is also an opportunity to practice resistance. On average, each child gets sick 8-12 times per year. When parents take care of their children properly, they will limit the chance of their child getting sick while going to school , reduce the amount of medicine they have to use when they are sick, and allow their child's body to fight harmful bacteria, while enhancing their health. resistance.