How should parents let their 1-year-old children exercise effectively?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Movement is an important part of the comprehensive development of young children, especially 1-year-old children, helping children develop fine motor skills, gross motor skills, bone development and height. Being active for 1-year-old children also helps them become healthier and also supports the development of thinking, language and social interaction in the future. In this article, we will explore some effective ways for parents to get their 1-year-old children active at home.

1 year old children exercise by learning to walk

Some babies as young as 1 year old are able to walk with small steps. Parents can increase their children's movement by holding their hands to help them learn to walk. Parents should stand behind or in front of their children, clapping their hands and encouraging them to move forward. You can combine singing or counting numbers while moving to stimulate the development of the senses. Furthermore, you can also place toys that make fun sounds at a short distance to encourage children to move.

Mothers can clap their hands to encourage their children to walk on their own

Movement for 1-year-old children also stimulates gross motor development. Gross motor movement is the movement of large muscle groups, supporting people in performing basic movements: Walking, standing, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, crawling, etc. When children are in the first stage of childhood. age, a child's gross motor skills will be recognized when the child can move independently using healthy muscle groups. Parents need to guide children to perform physical activities such as:

  • Practice walking and holding on to the wall; learn to walk by holding on to a walker ;
  • Walk independently without needing an adult to hold or carry you;
  • Teach your child to change positions from lying to sitting or from sitting to standing;
  • Practice walking in many different environments such as in rooms and hallways; in the garden; You should take your child for a walk early in the morning because at that time it is still cool and the child will absorb the sunlight

At the time of learning to walk, a 1-year-old child's movements are not yet stable, and he or she will easily get frustrated and tired. Therefore, parents need to closely follow and support their children when necessary. However, you should not always support your child or hold his hand, this unintentionally deprives a 1 year old child of the need to move freely.

Stimulate movement by exposing children to different materials

For a 1-year-old child to move better, his or her feet need to be in contact with the floor or ground to help support their body weight. This activity allows children to move independently and learn how to balance without falling over. Parents should encourage their children to learn to walk by using a stroller or hand-holding when they are capable. If your child wants to cling to the cabinet to get things from above, you should place the things a little higher but still make sure he can get them after one or two tiptoes, to give his child's skeletal system a chance to develop.

When your baby is capable enough, you should let your child practice walking with a walker

Furthermore, you should also create opportunities for your 1-year-old baby to exercise by letting their feet touch different materials such as fabric shoes (soft), sand (gritty), dry leaves (rough), and stones. (rugged),... instead of just being limited to floors and walking shoes. This method will help children form appropriate reflexes for each type of material.

Second, you use building blocks or water bottles on top of each other to let children destroy the structures, which is also a fun way to train children's muscle ability and develop their spatial thinking. This helps children create interactions with their surroundings, stimulating their desire to explore. By exposing children to diverse environments and toys, we are creating opportunities for comprehensive development for 1-year-old children, not only physically but also in thinking, creativity and sensing the world around them. .

Effects of allowing 1 year old children to exercise

As 1-year-old babies move their legs more, they gain a more diverse perspective on the world around them. Children will explore many different objects in the outside environment. For example, when a baby lies on his stomach, he can only see things on the ground and in front of him. However, when children can roll over and sit, they can see farther, with a range of about 2 meters, or see the entire ceiling.

The wider viewing angle when standing also encourages 1-year-old children to move

In addition, when children can crawl or walk on their own, they will enjoy the joy of getting their favorite things from high places. The fact that 1-year-old children move on their own (crawling, walking, walking steadily without an adult holding them) also helps them look in the direction they want, not in the direction indicated by adults. The brain will remember the images the child sees, including the scenery on the street and the people the child meets, as well as the location of objects in the house.

Allowing 1-year-old children to exercise will bring many benefits, helping them become more independent and confident when they grow up, less dependent on adults. What parents need to do is to accompany and provide timely support, so that their children have space to develop but always receive the best care.