Makeup for children from early age, should or not?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Trang điểm cho trẻ em từ sớm, nên hay không?


Little girls absolutely love beauty, parents can easily see the image of their child learning to walk in high heels or using a lotus stick to swipe haphazardly all over their face. So should children wear makeup early or not? What consequences and benefits will this bring? Join us to explore this issue.

Should children wear makeup from an early age?

We all know that there is no specific age limit for children's makeup , it completely depends on the family's perspective and surrounding environment. For example, if your child is a member of a dance or performance team, makeup will be more common.

According to MSc. Luong Truong Son, in charge of Dong Dieu dermatology clinic: "Our skin from birth to before 15 years old, the skin structure is not stable, so using make up cosmetics is not good for the skin." ”. All types of cosmetics contain chemical ingredients that, when in contact with the skin, will cause negative reactions and, in the long run, will cause your baby to suffer from skin diseases. There's nothing wrong with babies loving beauty, so you need to make sure the products they're using won't affect their skin and health.

Proper exposure to cosmetics will be beneficial to the process of shaping your child's aesthetic gout

The reason why children have a passion for makeup since childhood

To understand what your child needs and guide them as much as possible, parents should find out the reason why their child likes makeup. “You should ask your child why he or she likes makeup,” says pediatrician Kubiczek-Love. You need to talk to your child about this issue when you think he or she is wearing too much makeup." We will list some common reasons below:

  • Babies are really interested in changing thanks to makeup
  • The baby imitates the makeup of the mother and those around her
  • Friends around me all wear makeup, leading to me focusing on appearance from an early age
  • Children absorb knowledge from social networks through phones, computers, television... leading to changes in thinking about beauty.

Children at the age of curiosity love to learn and imitate every action of their parents

After knowing the cause, we will find solutions for safe and healthy makeup for children .

What should parents do when their baby loves makeup at an early age?

Parents play the role of advisor to their children

Children love to imitate, so they will learn from their parents' daily actions, including makeup. Makeup for children is not bad, but adult cosmetics contain substances that affect children's hormones and skin, so parents should explain to their children why they do not use makeup. You should use cosmetics freely. If necessary, you can show your child photos of the skin of people who have had side effects with cosmetics.

There are some cosmetics that are advertised as natural extracts and do not harm the skin, but they still contain some chemical ingredients such as preservatives, fragrances, or mineral oils, etc. Immune system Adults' already perfected nature will be able to withstand these substances, but using them as makeup for children is not appropriate. Your baby's skin is still sensitive and fragile. The above chemicals have the risk of penetrating the baby's skin, then causing complications such as dermatitis, redness, itching,...

Parents should become leaders and guides for their children in the first days of contact with cosmetics

Buy makeup toys instead of directly using cosmetics

Children are inherently curious, instead of letting them secretly use their mother's cosmetics, parents can buy them a stylish pink makeup suitcase . The toy has all the tools a makeup kit needs. The colors of eyeshadow and blush are beautiful and attractive. This will be the premise for your baby to recognize and distinguish different colors, and at the same time, shape your baby's aesthetic taste.

The makeup items inside the suitcase will be the best companion in the process of improving your child's makeup skills. The products are absolutely safe for children's skin, parents can rest assured that their children can use them without worrying about complications to their children's skin and health.

Using a makeup suitcase is both safe for your health and helps your child practice makeup skills

There is nothing bad about makeup for children , it is important that parents explain to their children the purpose of makeup. Only when children learn that cosmetics are tools to enhance their appearance, not to change or conceal their appearance, will they find the right way to use makeup. Parents, don't forget to visitMykingdom to buy more toys that are beneficial for your children's development!