Find out why children are bored with toys and how to fix them

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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When children get bored with toys , parents often tend to buy new toys for their children. However, this solution is not always good. Join us to find out the reasons why children "get bored quickly" and how to solve this problem.

Why do children get bored with toys?

Many studies show that toys play an extremely useful role in children's development. Toys will help children learn new skills, while in the process they will also show different toy preferences at each stage of development.

In addition, during the period of 0-7 years old, the baby's brain is extremely developed and the learning speed is also very fast. Therefore, children can easily explore toys with limited difficulty for their age. Therefore, parents need to choose toys suitable for each age to avoid children getting bored with toys. The more difficult the toy, the more attracted and attached to the toy the child will be.

Solve the problem by choosing age-appropriate toys

Children get bored with toys partly because they already know everything about the toy, thereby losing interest. Parents should not immediately buy new toys for their children to attract them, this will limit the value of the toys. Instead, parents should choose toys with appropriate difficulty.

  • Newborns: At this age, children need to use all their senses to learn about the world around them. Children are attracted to objects with bright colors and catchy and attractive melodies. The best toys for children at this age are rattles , musical toy mats...

Musical play mats will help babies develop comprehensively

  • Children 2-4 years old: This is the stage when their child's language skills gradually improve, parents should let their children play with memory toys, role-playing toys ... at this time to develop thinking about abilities. Choose and distinguish colors for children.

  • From 4-6 years old: At this time, children are ready to go to school; And I also pay more attention to the things around me. Your child begins to explore objects around him; That's why children also need appropriate toys to cultivate their creativity. Parents should provide their children with assembling toys , puzzles , etc. These are toys with increasing levels of difficulty, useful for thinking and creativity, you should definitely give them to your children. try this product.

Do not buy children too many toys at the same time

When parents buy their children too many toys, this will lead to the child getting bored with the toys because they will lose the ability to focus on a specific toy. This distraction can reduce a child's social interaction, creativity, and ability to concentrate. Furthermore, children with a surplus of toys will find it difficult to take full advantage of the potential and benefits that each toy brings. When children have too many toys available, they can become dependent on toys for entertainment. This can take away children's ability to solve problems and be creative, because they don't need to find solutions on their own.

Children get bored with toys when they have more toys than they need

When children get bored with toys and parents immediately buy new toys, this can lead to a waste of resources and money. In addition, toys also take up a large amount of space in the house, creating clutter in the home. No toy can completely attract your baby's attention, and your baby won't pay attention to play when there are too many products in front of him. To increase your child's ability to concentrate, keep most toys out of sight and only give one toy at a time.

Parents, become your children's closest playmates

In addition to being the people who buy toys for their children, parents can also be the closest playmates. For children, parents are the people they want to be close to and talk to every day. Playing with toys with their children also prevents children from getting bored with toys. You need to remember that flashy and expensive toys sometimes will not benefit your child if they are not the toy they really need. You should regularly communicate with your children, this interaction has an extremely positive impact on them.

Parents should accompany their children in all games so that they do not get bored

Children learn from interacting with life and with their parents. The fact that children are bored with toys also partly shows that they are frustrated because they do not receive enough attention from parents. Your child is trying to tell you something, and the first thing you should do is talk to your child again. Don't hesitate to show concern, a child raised in love will also learn to appreciate toys.

Above are the causes and solutions when children get bored with toys . Toys are companions, attached to children from the time they are born until they grow up. Toys can teach children many different skills that they will need in life such as problem solving skills, communication skills, creative skills...