List of 5 foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Điểm danh 5 loại thực phẩm không nên cho con ăn trước 3 tuổi


Children under 3 years old have immature digestive and immune systems. Therefore, children are more susceptible to diseases and are at risk of impaired intestinal health if mothers do not choose the right foods for their children. Below are foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old to ensure they are healthy and allergy-free.

Foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old: honey

Honey is considered the top food to treat children's coughs because it has a sweet taste and many beneficial substances. However, parents should not let children under three years old use lozenges or foods containing honey. Honey may contain clostridium botulinum bacteria - the agent that causes poisoning.

This bacteria is not harmful to adults, but children's immune systems are not yet mature enough to fight it. This bacteria can appear in all types of honey, whether pure or processed. If you are still using honey as an ingredient to treat coughs or add flavor to your baby's food, stop now!

Honey is a food that should not be fed to children before 3 years old

Soft-boiled eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, providing energy for children to exercise and play all day long. However, this food also has a very high risk of causing allergies, especially eggs that are not fully cooked. When the child's intestinal microflora is not yet complete, mothers should absolutely not let their children eat eggs, fried eggs, or mix raw eggs into porridge.

Mixing raw eggs into porridge will not cook the eggs completely

When your baby is about 1 year old, mothers should not feed their children egg whites because this part has a high risk of causing allergies. Instead, you should feed your baby very ripe yolks and gradually increase the amount of yolks according to the number of months the baby is old. In addition, eggs contain high levels of fat that can cause bloating, indigestion or even digestive disorders. So, depending on the child's age, parents need to adjust the egg content in meals accordingly.

Fish high in mercury

Fish with high mercury content are types such as tuna, mackerel, sardines... which can damage the child's nervous system. In addition, parents should also consider carefully before feeding their children seafood such as shrimp, oysters, etc. because these are foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old due to the high risk of causing allergies. . The most dangerous thing is that these foods have the risk of containing harmful bacteria and parasites, which children's weak intestines can hardly resist.

Unpasteurized milk

After their baby is weaned from breast milk, many parents switch to formula milk for their baby, but some parents also choose fresh, pure milk freshly squeezed from the farm. In fact, directly milked cow's milk is not good for the child's body because in addition to beneficial bacteria, milk also contains harmful bacteria and has a high risk of causing digestive infections.

Unpasteurized milk is very dangerous for your baby's digestive system

The intestinal tract of children under 3 years old is still weak, so dairy products containing many beneficial bacteria are also one of the foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old . Yogurt, cheese, and whey should be fed to your child at a controlled rate so that your child gradually gets used to digesting these foods. Parents should not feed their children the entire box the first time they learn to eat. If you feed your child too much, the same consequences as drinking unpasteurized milk can occur.

Beans can easily cause allergies

All types of nuts have a very high risk of causing allergies, especially peanuts. A peanut allergy can occur when a child's immune system identifies peanut proteins as harmful to the body. Each child has a different level of allergy, so parents should be careful when letting their children eat nuts.

Every year, people are hospitalized due to bean allergies, so parents need to be careful when feeding their children

Soybeans are also a food that should not be fed to children before 3 years old because soy contains substances that can affect children's hormones. In addition, dishes containing undercooked soybeans also have the risk of causing poisoning. Soybeans also contain phytates, a compound that reduces the ability to absorb calcium, so for children who are learning to walk, parents should not let their children drink too much soy milk.

Mothers should avoid foods that should not be fed to children before 3 years old to ensure their children are healthier. When raising a child for the first time, everyone is somewhat confused. Please refer to Mykingdom's Handbook section so we can help you on the path to raising a healthy child and teaching them well, parents!