3 habits that affect children's height that parents need to know

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
3 thói quen ảnh hưởng chiều cao của trẻ mà ba mẹ cần biết


There are many habits that affect height that parents do not pay attention to. The habits mentioned below will negatively impact sleep - an important factor in height development.

Eating too much before going to bed

If you feed your baby dinner too late or eat too much at bedtime, it can make it difficult for your baby to sleep and toss and turn. Nutrition experts have advised that we should eat about 3 hours before bedtime. This allows digestion to proceed smoothly because there is enough time for us to digest food in the stomach.

Children love snacks, especially sweets such as cookies, cakes, candies... Many parents indulge their children's wishes because they are worried that their children will be hungry or that they will cry. However, cakes high in fat and sugar can disrupt healthy sleep. These substances put great pressure on the stomach, and can even cause bloating, indigestion and reflux.

Parents should avoid letting their children eat too much greasy food

To solve this habit that affects height , in addition to feeding children on time, parents need to focus on providing balanced nutrients at every meal. Parents also need to pay attention to adding calcium-rich foods as well as milk to provide nutrients to help bones develop. A balanced diet will help children grow healthily. On the contrary, pampering and feeding your child greasy foods will cause your child to gain weight, increasing the risk of early puberty.

Using the phone before bed is a habit that affects height

To ask their children to obey them and go to bed, many parents choose to let their children watch cartoons or surf social networks before bedtime. If children use the phone before going to bed, it will make their brain always in a state of excitement, making it difficult to fall asleep. Not stopping there, this habit that affects height also affects vision and hearing.

Blue light from phones will harm your eyes, especially at night. When your baby gets used to using the phone before going to bed, even if their parents forbid it, they will still secretly watch it in the dark. This action can cause nearsightedness and make your child's eyes no longer healthy when exposed to normal light.

Using the phone before going to bed is a habit that affects height

In addition, using the phone before bed can also cause feelings of stress and anxiety, affecting children's psychological health and leading to many health problems such as restlessness, headaches, and dizziness. face... Insomnia and lack of sleep not only have a great impact on height, but also affect the overall health of children.

Turn on the lights too brightly when going to bed

When first learning to sleep alone, some children will be afraid of the dark and won't dare go to sleep. Many parents use a night light to make the room brighter and reassure their children. Few people know that night lights that are too bright also greatly affect children's sleep. In the long run, it will form a habit that affects height .

First, light can reduce melatonin production - a substance that helps children sleep better, causing a decrease in sleep quality. Low yellow light or turning off the lights completely will help children sleep better. Furthermore, light at night also affects neurological function, creating feelings of stress and frustration for children. In addition, the night light should be a low-brightness lamp with light directed at the wall or ceiling instead of directly into the child's eyes to avoid glare and difficulty sleeping.

Yellow night light will be most suitable for the bedroom

Parents need to note that a night light is only a means of supporting sleep. To avoid creating habits that affect height , parents need to help their children establish a habit of going to bed on time, minimize vigorous exercise before going to bed, and create a comfortable environment for their children to quickly enter. sleep more.

Parents should refer to the article: When should you train your baby to sleep alone? to learn about the right way and time to train your child to sleep alone.

Habits that affect height seem harmless but cause huge consequences. Every parent wants their children to grow tall and healthy, so parents need to pay attention to the 3 bad habits above and take measures to handle them immediately before affecting their children. In addition, for children to develop better height, parents should also participate in outdoor activities with their children such as playing basketball , swimming...