When should you train your baby to use the toilet on their own?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Parents want to train their baby to go to the toilet on their own but don't know how? This article will provide you with specific information as well as good tips to teach your children as quickly as possible.

When can parents train their babies to use the toilet on their own?

When children begin to show signs of awareness and the ability to go to the toilet on their own, it is an important development in their growth. Parents can train their babies to go to the toilet on their own when they show the following signs.

First, your baby may respond or repeat words like "pee," "pee" or "poo" when you're changing the diaper. This shows that your child has the ability to listen and understand simple words related to personal hygiene. In addition, your child is sensitive and can communicate his or her personal hygiene needs through speech, facial expressions, noises or other gestures

Parents should only train their children to go to the toilet on their own when they are ready

Children can recognize when the diaper is wet or dirty and show discomfort in wearing the diaper by screaming or crying to attract their parents' attention. This shows that your child has the ability to distinguish between feelings and perceptions of comfort and discomfort regarding hygiene.

Parents can recognize when to toilet train their baby through their child's independence. When your child can use his hands to pull his pants up or down. This action shows that your child has self-control and dexterity in dressing and undressing himself. Your child can also listen and understand simple instructions.

Tips for potty training your baby

To train your baby to go to the toilet on his own , you need to show him the potty and tell him what the potty is used for. You should place the potty in the bathroom or in the corner of the house for a few days to let your baby get used to the potty first. Then, teach your child how to sit on the potty, but still leave the diaper or pants on so that the child gets used to sitting.

Mothers must be very patient and teach slowly, but should not force the child to use the potty. If your baby gets up immediately, ask him to sit a little longer by getting him a toy or a picture book, or playing music for him. If your baby really doesn't want to go to the toilet, let him stand up and continue playing.

Let your baby sit on the potty in the corner of the house so he or she gets used to it

Next, parents should practice making going to the toilet a daily habit for their baby. For example, mothers can start teaching their baby to use the potty after waking up without a wet diaper, or after drinking a lot of water for 45 to 60 minutes. Mom, just let your baby sit on the potty a few times a day and let him stand up if he wants to.

Young children often have very recognizable gestures when they need to go to the toilet - their face turns red, they may frown or squat. Many children often go to the toilet at the same time their mother has trained them. So when your child shows signs of wanting to go to the toilet, you can train your child to go to the toilet by taking him or her to sit on the potty right away. Parents should also dress their children in cool, comfortable clothes so that they don't get caught in the crotch of their pants when sitting.

Once your baby gets used to using the potty during the day, you should stop wearing diapers for naps. When your baby wakes up, suggest that he or she go potty. Napping without a diaper will help your baby practice the habit of not wetting the bed at night. Parents reward small gifts every time their child can use the potty, such as a sticker or reading a story to the child to encourage this habit.

Why should you buy PEEK A BOO potty for your baby?

Parents are wondering what kind of potty they should buy to help their baby practice going to the toilet on their own ? Join us in checking out the superior features of the potty from the PEEK A BOO brand! The potty is made from high quality PP plastic. ensures durability and provides great comfort for your baby throughout their potty time.

A potty that is both beautiful and convenient with meticulous design

The potty frame is made solid and reinforced with 4 large pillars shaped like adorable animals, suitable for children from 6 months to 6 years old. Children will definitely love eye-catching colorful products like this.

This potty not only helps you train your baby to use the toilet more effectively, but also brings convenience to parents. You can easily move the product thanks to the convenient handle on the back. Cleaning the potty also becomes simple with the ability to separate the parts. Besides, to ensure your baby sits firmly and does not slip, the potty is equipped with 4 anti-slip TPE pads on the bottom of the feet. In particular, the large and 18cm high backrest of this potty helps support the baby's spine, preventing curvature or back strain when the baby sits on the potty for a long time.

The seat is designed to comfortably fit the baby's butt, ensuring comfort when used. Smart floating edge with a reasonable height of 4.5cm prevents urine from splashing out on the floor, helping to keep your home hygienic. The edges are rounded, not sharp, ensuring safety for children when using. Besides the above benefits, training your baby to use the potty to use the toilet helps mothers save money on diapers for their children.

Parents should train their children to use the toilet early so that they become more independent in daily activities. Children will learn how to self-manage and maintain personal hygiene without depending on adults.