When should you train your baby to sleep alone?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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It is not always possible to train your baby to sleep alone , we need to choose the right time and the right way. When the baby sleeps alone, parents will sleep more deeply without worrying about weighing the baby down

When should a baby sleep separately?

If possible, you should train your baby to sleep alone from when he or she is only a few months old by placing him or her in a separate crib. This method will help parents easily check their child's condition, while creating a sense of safety for the baby. However, if you want to take careful care of your child and do not want to let your child sleep alone, parents can choose to let their child sleep completely separately when the child is 3 years old.

At 3 years old, the baby is used to sleeping with his parents. So you should gradually separate your sleeping area by placing a small bed next to the bed. Children who sleep separately will develop independent personalities, increase confidence, and not depend on their parents when they enter school age.

Letting your baby sleep separately helps your baby quickly become independent

Prepare a comfortable bedroom to train your baby to sleep alone

To train your baby to sleep alone , parents need to create a comfortable and pleasant space for their child by decorating the bedroom according to the baby's preferences. You should pay attention to factors such as a comfortable bed, soft blankets, pillows, and mattresses with bright colors. You can draw or paste stickers of fairy tale characters, funny and adorable animals on the wall so your baby will love sleeping alone in this room.

A bright, beautiful room will make your child feel comfortable

The baby's bedroom should be quiet so the baby can sleep easily. Parents should also install a cute little night light for their children to ensure the room has enough brightness. Don't forget to add your child's favorite teddy bears and dolls to the room. Having a "friend" to sleep with will help your child become more independent. On the contrary, if your baby is used to hearing lullabies while sleeping, parents can use gentle music or natural sounds to help the baby relax and fall asleep easily. The Sleeping Seahorse toy will be a great choice in this case.

Sleeping seahorse will bring soothing sounds to put your baby to sleep

Make your child feel safe

The baby is very afraid of feeling abandoned, so reactions such as crying, running to the parent's room, or half-dreaming may appear during the process of training the baby to sleep alone . Mothers can stay in the new room and participate in activities with the baby, introducing the baby to the room and the toy friends to help the baby reduce anxiety. At the same time, mothers need to show their children the location of their parents' room so that they can rest assured that their parents are always there when they need help. If there is any problem, children can call their parents.

You should create a bedtime routine, like reading a book, telling a story, or singing to your baby. The goal of these activities is to help your baby relax and understand that it's almost time to go to sleep. Activities before bed also help children sleep better. Before leaving the room, give your child a gentle hug and say, "Good night."

Reading books before bed will help children feel cared for by their parents

Parents should avoid choosing stories or songs that contain scary details such as witches, bogeymen, etc. to scare and ask their children to go to sleep. These scary characters will haunt children, causing them to fall asleep and not sleep well

Parents must be very patient

When training your baby to sleep alone, he will wake up and look for his mother. When your baby wakes up for the first time, you need to put him back to bed and gently explain that it's bedtime and he shouldn't be like that. If the baby continues to go out next time, use a firmer tone to remind and guide the baby back to the bedroom. When children realize that no matter what they do, it won't change the fact that they have to sleep alone, they will stop whining.

In case the baby screams and throws a tantrum, the mother should not be soft-hearted and stay and sleep with the baby or let the baby go to the mother's room. This will make it difficult to train your baby to sleep alone later. If the baby has agreed to sleep separately, then we must honor the commitment and comply properly.

Of course, there is no specific time for children to successfully sleep alone, this depends on each child's personality, emotions and ability to adapt. However, parents need to be respectful and patient, not scold or yell because that only makes their children more afraid.

Don't yell and ask your child to do what you want

Training your baby to sleep alone takes a lot of time, but we believe that with the valuable experiences shared by Mykingdom, parents will soon be able to do it. You should take time every morning to praise your baby. Your child will feel the encouragement and trust of their parents, so they will no longer resist having to sleep separately.