Originally Answered: Does blood type affect IQ?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Giải đáp: Liệu nhóm máu có ảnh hưởng đến chỉ số IQ không?


Does blood type affect IQ and what can parents do to improve their children's IQ? Studies have found that there is a certain relationship between blood type and IQ, let's find out more specifically.

Explore IQ rankings by blood type

AB blood type is considered to be naturally associated with the highest IQ

According to research by Dr. Mohumad Saleh Atoom, he has shown that blood type affects IQ ; and people with AB blood will be smarter than the other groups. Blood group AB has both the characteristics of blood group A and blood group B. Therefore, you will see that children are quite contradictory in personality.

Children with blood type AB often live quite rational lives, but they are also very sensitive to situations. Thanks to their good learning ability, ability to handle situations quickly as well as their intelligence, children with AB blood type often stand out in the crowd.

Children with blood type AB often have excellent leadership abilities

Rank 2 belongs to blood type O

If you only know blood type O through the advantage of blood transfusions, then you need to know more information about the "omnipotence" of blood O. The intelligence of people with this blood type is also excellent. Researchers say that children with color type O have better brain development in memory and learning than other blood types. In addition, children also have the ability to adapt and cope with obstacles better than other blood types. That's why people with blood type O are easily loved by others.

Rank 3: Blood type A

People with blood type A are quite serious and strict. This blood type always makes clear and specific plans before doing anything. Parents may notice that children with blood type A are quite timid, shy and do not like to express themselves. This blood type possesses the ability to observe and concentrate highly, but is slow to accept new things and often worries and thinks a lot, which is also the reason that inhibits the development of children's abilities.

Timidity and thoughtfulness make children slower in adapting

Rank 4: Blood B

Although being at the bottom of the blood type rankings affects IQ , it does not mean that people with blood type B are not intelligent. Children with the vital blood type tend to be emotional, have an extroverted personality and are extremely active. Children with blood type B will develop artistic tendencies. You will notice that your children have the ability to express themselves well and are good at persuading others. At the same time, children are also extremely enthusiastic and sociable with everyone around them.

Blood type affects IQ, so how can we improve it?

Although blood type affects a child's IQ , external factors such as the learning environment, child's personality, and parent's companionship and education are the deciding factors. Each child's innate intelligence is different, but we can change things in a positive direction when we find the right method. Below are 7 ways to develop children's intelligence.

Provide a positive learning environment and encourage children to learn

Parents should create a learning space at home with materials appropriate to their child's age and interests. Not stopping there, parents can also take advantage of educational technologies such as slide presentations, videos, and playing games to increase the fun of learning and help their children learn better.

Parents can let their children learn using technology to make them feel happy and comfortable

Read books and tell stories to your baby

Books are an endless source of knowledge. Parents should hone their children's love of books and intelligence through stories or books appropriate to their children's age. Books help children become more open-minded, increase understanding as well as develop vocabulary and language skills.

Develop social skills

Social skills belong to EQ, but if parents can support their children to develop social skills such as communication, teamwork, persuasion skills,... children can interact and learn more knowledge. knowledge from people around to develop IQ. Social activities should fit the child's personality. You should not force a quiet child to participate in too active activities and vice versa.

Participating in group activities will help your child develop social skills

Exercise and eat healthy

Nutrition also plays a very important role in the development of children's IQ. Regular exercise and sports are good for the development of both the body and the brain. At that time, your child is completely ready to face new challenges in the process of developing learning and intellectual abilities.

Encourage your child to participate in creative activities

You should encourage your child to participate in creative activities such as painting, playing music, making DIY items, etc., through which they will develop both their imagination and creative skills.

Another easier activity is to expose your child to intellectual toys. Toys will stimulate the development of children's thinking and creativity. Children will constantly explore and explore to find answers, thereby improving their IQ. Some types of intellectual toys that parents can refer to are LEGO , transforming robots, Rubik's cubes ... Playing is the best way for children to practice intelligence without getting bored.

Playing LEGO is an activity loved by both parents and children

Indeed, blood type does affect a child's IQ , but blood type does not represent everything. A child's IQ is made up of many factors and is not entirely innate; blood type only represents a small part. Parents can rely on their child's personality and interests to find the learning and training method that best suits their child.