At what age should children play basketball?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Basketball is always the top sport to help children develop height. Therefore, parents strongly support their children participating in this subject. However, not every child should participate because each sport contains some unforeseen dangers. This article will reveal to parents at what age should children play basketball and why?

At what age should children play basketball?

Many parents wonder at what age should children play basketball ? Shouldchildren play basketball as early as possible so they can grow taller faster? In fact, according to scientific experts, the most suitable age for children to learn to play basketball is when they are 5-6 years old. At this time, your child's body is quite strong and his immune system is also more complete, allowing him to play outdoors without fear of getting sick. The physical condition of children from 6 years old can also meet continuous movement from activities such as running, jumping, jumping, throwing balls...

Before this age, parents can still let their children get acquainted with basketball through basic techniques such as tossing, catching and throwing the ball into the basket under adult supervision.

At what age should children play basketball?

When exposed to basketball from age 6, children can learn the rules of the sport as well as more difficult techniques from age 7-9. At this point, children are ready to play with friends and practice at a higher intensity. Parents should closely follow and guide both how to play and how to behave at this stage to avoid children losing solidarity because of their aggressiveness.

Benefits of playing basketball with children

The following great benefits of basketball will surely make many parents want their children to learn how to play football right away. However, we already know at what age children should play basketball , so parents need to consider carefully!

Improve physical health

High-intensity exercise when playing basketball helps accelerate metabolism and burn calories effectively. Thereby, children will quickly lose fat, gain muscle, improve the immune system, and become stronger and healthier.

Grow taller

This is considered one of the most outstanding benefits of playing this sport. When playing basketball, children need to jump and stretch continuously, this allows the discs between the joints to expand. Thanks to that, children playing basketball have the opportunity to develop their maximum height. In addition, playing basketball outdoors also helps children absorb vitamin D from the morning sunlight, helping their bones become stronger.

The activity of jumping up and tossing the ball will help develop outstanding height

Develop motor skills

Basketball is a subject that integrates many skills. In addition to running, jumping and throwing the ball, children will also learn how to technically dribble the ball on the field. These activities will enhance hand-eye coordination and increase the body's balance.

Develop social skills

Basketball is inherently a team sport. Children will expand relationships with friends and improve communication skills. Furthermore, when I immerse myself in the excitement and solidarity of my teammates, I also become more determined and confident.

Basketball also teaches children discipline and how to respect the rules when playing. The process of playing football will lay an important foundation for children to become principled people, obeying the rules and regulations in life.

Improve memory

When children play basketball, the blood in the body will circulate better. Increased blood flow to the brain will improve memory and stimulate children's creativity.

3 things to keep in mind when letting children play basketball

In addition to finding out at what age children should play basketball , there are a few things parents need to keep in mind.

  • Improper exercise can affect children's bones and joints as well as their health. When first practicing, parents need to monitor closely to make sure their children practice correctly and with correct technique.

Parents should monitor their children to avoid injury during the first days of practice

  • Buy your child comfortable clothes that are suitable for movement.
  • You must warm up before exercising, this is an extremely important factor that many children forget.
  • Choose a basketball that is the right size and weight for your child's hand.
  • The pole and basket should be of moderate height so that your child feels most comfortable when playing.
  • Buy your child arm and leg protectors so they don't get scratched during practice.

The article gives suggestions at what age children should play basketball and why. Hopefully, parents will choose the most suitable subject for their children so that their children can develop in the best way. You can refer to some other home sports toys under the UNITED SPORTS brand at Mykingdom.