Benefits from collecting toys for children's development

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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For young children, especially preschool and kindergarten age, toys are both an entertainment tool and the closest companion. Toys will bring benefits in terms of developing thinking and necessary skills.

In addition, in the early stages of life, children tend to classify toys into groups for ease of naming. Children will create their own toy collections. Join us to find out what the benefits of collecting toys are and how this action plays a role in children's development!

Develop logical thinking and intelligence

Parents can easily see that children will enjoy classifying things. For example, which cup is for the kitchen and which cup is for the living room, or car toys will be placed separately from stuffed animals... Children will benefit from collecting toys because they will remember them for a long time. classification method. This action will help your child improve his or her ability to sort and select.

During that process, if parents accompany and guide their children to classify collections, as well as describe the differences between objects, it will also help them quickly improve logical thinking.

Children will remember for a long time the types of toys according to their own classification

Enhance imagination

Little girls often love dolls and fairy tales. They wish to transform into the story their mother tells them, become a princess wearing gorgeous dresses and living in a magnificent palace. Therefore, children will benefit from collecting dolls , castles, princes... thereby creating interconnected and extremely attractive stories.

Meanwhile, boys are often passionate about racing cars, cars or control toys... because these toys will give them the feeling of actually sitting on super cars to go everywhere. where I want to go. Through this, children can also think about and set imaginary destinations. Parents should encourage their children to make more efforts to achieve those dreams!

Children can imagine many situations from the toys they own

Improve EQ (emotional intelligence)

Have you ever seen a child take on a specific character and let the toys communicate with each other? This shows the benefits of collecting toys. Children will link seemingly unrelated items to create new communication situations. Thanks to that, you will find many ways to handle the same problem, according to different characters.

Mothers can help their children navigate their daily emotions and attitudes through toys. For example, create a situation where your child only plays with new toys but forgets the old toys, how sad will the old toys be? Your child will appreciate toys more and become more understanding of other people's feelings.

Benefits from collecting toys: Learning how to share

For children who are highly possessive, it is difficult for them to learn how to share toys with others. The benefit from collecting toys here is that when children need to collect, they will need everyone's help. If your child loves colorful or specially shaped pebbles and cannot find and classify them by himself, then he will ask for help from those around him, thereby understanding the importance of pebbles. of connecting and sharing.

Sharing the toys you have also makes children happier

Furthermore, involving the whole family in collecting activities will help your child feel happier and more appreciated. If the items your child wants to collect need to be bought with money, parents are the bridge to help them. I own those items. Therefore, children will share their wishes and thoughts with their parents. Thanks to that, affection and understanding between family members are also enhanced.

Suggest some collectible toys at Mykingdom

VECTO TRANSRACER toys are truly the perfect choice for children who are passionate about the transforming vehicle series. With just a simple flip, the car will change shape. With the VECTO TRANSRACER collection, your baby can stay away from electronic devices and focus on the richness and novelty of toys. Once they become an "expert" about vehicles, they can recite their names and functions, increasing their social knowledge and memory.

If your child is passionate about collecting animals, parents should check out the TOY MONSTER brand right away. Countless dinosaurs hidden in eggs are waiting for children to explore. In addition to receiving benefits from collecting toys , your baby will never get bored because he or she cannot know what kind of dinosaur is hidden behind the eggshell.

Children will be extremely excited to discover the dinosaurs hidden behind the shell

There are many other collectible toys such as HOT WHEELS, BARBIE, BRUDER... waiting for your baby at Mykingdom. To keep your child's fun of collecting uninterrupted, parents should choose toys that are diverse in both color and style and are regularly updated with new models.

The benefits of collecting toys for children are truly difficult to measure. Children will become more understanding and their spiritual life will also be richer. The toy collections that your child currently owns will be his pride, he will be very excited and always talk about the items he already owns. What children learn in childhood really brings value throughout their future journey, just through small, everyday things.