This is the method to help your child stop anorexia that you are looking for

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Does your child skip meals and eat too little at each meal, making parents worried? Does your child only eat what he likes and refuses to try new foods at every meal? Then this article on how to help children stop anorexia is the solution that parents need.

Help children overcome anorexia by increasing the number of meals per day

If your child eats very little at each meal, if you feed him more, he spits up or cries and throws a tantrum, then increasing the number of meals is one of the effective ways. This method can both ensure nutrition for children and not make parents tired of having to force their children to eat enough at each meal. However, parents need to calculate to come up with a nutritious meal plan for their children, ensuring their children do not lack nutrients even if meals are divided into small portions. The time between meals should also be spaced out. Parents can feed their children another meal at least every 2 hours.

Your child will eat better when meals are divided into smaller portions

Small meals divided throughout the day also help children avoid the risk of digestive disorders, especially for young children with sensitive stomachs and intestines. Each meal should only take place for 30 minutes, after this time the mother should move away, this also teaches the child the habit of focusing on eating, not being distracted by TV, toys...

In particular, when parents do not cram or force their children to eat the entire bowl, children will feel more comfortable when it is time to eat. Through that, children also easily accept new dishes that mom prepares. Force-feeding will only make your child more irritable and reduce their appetite.

Allow your baby to eat what he likes

Mothers can prepare meals based on the preferences and tastes of each family member, each dish only needs a sufficient amount. When everyone eats together, parents should arrange chairs for their children to sit next to and let them pick up dishes that they find attractive. Everyone gets to eat their favorite food and is very happy during the meal.

This principle of meal preparation can help children stop anorexia by giving them the right to decide what they will eat. In addition, a diverse meal like this will ensure adequate nutrition for family members.

If your baby likes to eat sandwiches, you can make a nutritious filling for your baby

Treatment of related diseases

Parents also cannot rule out the possibility that their child's anorexia is due to related diseases such as respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, etc. Parents need to distinguish between signs of anorexia in children to know whether their child's anorexia is due to psychology or illness.

In case the child feels abdominal discomfort, bloating, flatulence, or even shows symptoms such as nausea after eating, from which the child becomes anorexic, parents should take the child to the hospital to find out if there is any treatment. suitable treatment.

Limit junk food and vary your food

Many parents let their children eat cake, snacks, ice cream... because their children ask for it. Snacks will make your child's stomach full, reducing appetite when it comes to main meals, so your child eats very little and leads to anorexia. Furthermore, if you know that if you don't eat rice, you will have more snacks, and your child will resist eating main meals. Parents should cut down on junk food even if their children are hungry after meals.

Snacking will make your child not want to eat meals anymore

To help children overcome anorexia , parents need to feed their children at the right time, with balanced nutrition. Mothers should transform foods that their children do not like such as green vegetables and broccoli into cakes/soup to create a healthy meal. Constantly changing the menu, using a variety of ingredients based on preferences will create new dishes in both color and flavor, stimulating appetite, helping children eat more.

Let your child play with cooking toys

Cooking toys with bright colors and diverse cooking methods will help children better understand how to create a dish. When children feel that the foods they don't like become more familiar, they will lose their appetite and enjoy it more when it's time to eat.

Cooking toys are also a solution to help children overcome anorexia

In addition to cooking simulation kitchen utensils, parents can refer to Play Doh products. This brand's clay is made from cooked ingredients, ensuring safety when children accidentally swallow it. Furthermore, there are a variety of food-themed products such as Fun Pizza Makers and Sweet Cake Sets for parents to choose from.

During each child's meal, parents should play the role of guide and encourager, not a force. Scolding or forcing your child to eat will not help the child stop being anorexic , but can also be counterproductive, making the child increasingly lazy to eat. Hopefully the measures suggested above have partly helped parents who are having difficulty on the journey of raising their children.