"Secrets" for choosing effective toys for children with speech delays

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Choosing toys for children with speech delays plays an important role in helping children develop language more effectively and quickly. Toys can create an interactive and communicative environment for children.

Toys for children with speech delays: Role-playing toys

Role-playing toys will help your child transform into familiar everyday situations, stimulating the desire to talk to express requests and recreate situations. In addition to being toys for children with speech delays , role-playing toys also contribute to orienting children's future careers.

If the baby is a girl, parents can buy toy sets such as fashion toys or cooking toy sets. On the contrary, when your baby is a boy, try buying toy sets like doctors or technical repair. After that, you need to divide the character corresponding to that toy set. Parents can directly participate in the game to create a sense of safety for their children, then create situations to encourage them to use language and words to come up with solutions.

Playing the role of a doctor will stimulate children with speech delays to develop

For example, if you buy a toy set for your slow-talking child that is a doctor simulator, you can let your child play the role of the doctor, while you are the patient. You can point out some symptoms of simple diseases and ask your child to examine and prescribe medicine. Or if you use a sales simulation toy , you can buy things and ask your child to pay, which can also create controversial situations for your child to handle. Young children often love to play pretend and act out, so they will try to talk and use words to role-play in those situations.

Toy sets for slow-talking children to play character roles will create opportunities for slow-talking children to express themselves, expand their thinking and creativity. To achieve better results, parents should also aim for content and topics that their children love, to create interest in role-playing and chatting.

Dolls and stuffed animal toys

Dolls and stuffed animals are toys for children with speech delays that many parents trust. The product is not only adorable but also gives children happy emotions and comfort. Parents can choose toys with sounds to increase interaction and stimulate children to talk.

Dolls and stuffed animals are two close friends of your baby

Talking with toys is not simply a game but can also help children develop their imagination and communication skills. Children will come up with their own stories and situations to play with their dolls. In addition, telling stories to toys also helps children become more confident in communicating with people. Children will learn how to express their opinions and thoughts through practicing talking and expressing their emotions with dolls every day.

Outdoor toys

According to experts, when choosing toys for children with speech delays , it should not be limited to educational features and focusing on speaking. Parents should expand the range of toy choices to stimulate creativity and help children understand the world around them. Toy sets for outdoor areas are a suitable choice for children to improve their language skills together, learn about their surroundings and increase social interaction.

Combine outdoor toys and indoor toys so your child doesn't get bored

Parents can refer to sand scooping toys, house building toys, fishing toys or movement toys such as soccer and basketball to help increase interaction and solidarity. These activities, in addition to teaching children how to communicate, also help children learn how to cooperate with others to achieve goals. In addition, going outside to play will bring you a more comfortable and pleasant mentality than just playing inside. Therefore, in order for children with delayed speech to develop better, parents should combine toys for children with delayed speech as well as regularly change the playing space to help their children develop better.

Toy books also support the development of children with speech delays

Because of delayed speech, their child's speaking ability and vocabulary are limited. Parents should prioritize choosing simple books that use easy-to-understand words and are illustrated with vivid images to help their child. easier to understand. In addition, parents can also use books to directly tell stories to their children. However, instead of telling the whole story, stop and ask your child about incidents that have happened or predict upcoming situations. This is a time to stimulate and create opportunities for children to talk more, thereby enhancing creativity through creating new developments in the story.

Books will help children expand their knowledge and thinking no matter what age they are

Toy books not only help children improve their awareness but also diversify their vocabulary and discover more about the world around them. Parents should start with books with simple content that makes children interested, such as introducing animals, plants and flowers common in the surrounding environment.

Toys for children with delayed speech related to books can include sets of learning cards, wall painting sets or cloth books ... These products allow children to study at home or take it with them anywhere, very convenient. suitable for cultivating language skills.

Toys for children with speech delays play a very important role in the journey of developing children's communication skills. Children playing with toys with their parents, siblings or friends will promote the development of language and thinking, as well as create a closer connection and connection with people around them.