Super effective way to wake up children to go to school

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách đánh thức trẻ dậy đi học siêu hiệu quả


Waking up children to go to school is always a battle between parents and children every morning. This situation will stop if you know the 4 ways to wake your child up to go to school below.

How to wake children up to go to school with light

Children will sleep better when their room is equipped with curtains or windows to block light. Therefore, to help your child wake up in a happy and excited mood, you can go to your child's room 10 minutes early before he needs to get out of bed and open the curtains/windows. The gentle sunlight filtering through each crack in the door will wake up the child without the mother scolding or shouting.

How to wake up children to go to school with sunlight, have you tried it?

Scientists have proven that rod cells in the photoreceptors of the eyes absorb light, thereby establishing the sleep-wake cycle in each person's biological clock. This light "clock" is very effective in gently waking your baby. Moms can combine this method of waking children up to go to school with the measures below to increase effectiveness if your child is still clinging to bed!

Wake up to joyful music

As a first step, parents should still let natural light wake up their child's brain, then focus on the auditory method. You can use music playlists with the keyword Wake Up on Youtube or create your own music playlist to wake your child up based on the following steps:

  1. Play songs with gentle melodies to help your child's ears gradually adapt

  2. Switch to songs with upbeat tunes and positive messages

  3. Turn on songs with strong, intense rhythms.

You should complete a playlist based on your baby's interests. Choose songs that your baby hates that won't make your baby want to wake up. On the contrary, your baby will just want to cover their ears and hide in bed. Mothers should note that music should be turned on at a low to medium volume, avoiding sudden loudness that can damage the child's eardrum. With this way to wake your child up for school , you can say goodbye to your child's grumpiness or fussiness in the morning. Parents also feel less sad due to fear of their children being late for school and having to constantly call them to get them out of bed.

Playing your favorite music will help your child want to wake up more

Wake your child up 15 minutes earlier

It sounds strange, but this is a way for the baby to wake up without parents having to constantly call for the baby. For a child with a grumpy personality, parents often try to let the child sleep as long as possible, then expect the child to wake up, clean himself, eat and go to school on his own. However, this is very difficult to do.

Therefore, parents should enter their child's room 15 minutes earlier than the time the child needs to wake up, open the curtains to let light in, turn on music and leave. During that time, you can drink coffee, water the plants, and jog to start a new, active day. When you return, your baby has been awakened by music and light. He is completely relaxed because he doesn't have to listen to his parents' scolding.

This gentle awakening will leave a warm impression of home on your child, and he or she will always keep a carefree smile when they come home. Home is a place for children to recharge after tiring school hours, not always stressed when hearing their mother's call. Little things in the morning can change the life of an entire family.

Create the habit of waking up early for your child, even on days off

For young children, the habit of waking up early is quite a luxury. Children are not aware of the importance and benefits of waking up early, which is also the reason why parents always have to spend a lot of time waking their children to go to school. Creating a habit of waking up early for your child step by step will solve this situation.

Let's get up early to exercise together on the weekend

Parents need to apply ways to wake children up for school with music and sunlight, even on weekends. Once your baby gets used to waking up early, he or she will feel secure and less stressed. When children's bodies form biological clocks at consistent times, their sleep quality is also better.

The above ways to wake children up for school have been applied by many families abroad and have been successful. So please apply these methods to make the morning atmosphere less rushed and tiring. The moment the whole family gathers to eat breakfast, tell each other what to pay attention to during the day and everyone's faces are bright and happy, it will definitely help family members have a good new day.