How to treat chili burns in children's hands, eyes, and mouth

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách chữa bỏng ớt cho trẻ ở tay, mắt, miệng


Parents are always careful not to let their children touch dangerous objects, but sometimes they forget spicy spices like chili, pepper, etc. Children are very curious about objects they have never seen. see, especially foods with eye-catching colors. So it is very easy for children to get chili burns. To handle this problem, let's take a look at the quick and effective ways to treat chili burns on children's hands, eyes, and mouth!

How to treat chili burns on children's hands

Children like to use their hands to tear and knead objects to learn about the object's internal structure. So if you separate the chili, it will easily cause burning pain in your hand. Below are 3 ways to treat chili burns in children .

Use a cleaning solution such as dishwashing liquid or hand sanitizer

Skin-safe hand sanitizer or dishwashing liquid both contain ingredients used to remove grease. This makes these two cleaning solutions great products for removing oils from the skin. Capsaicin is the burning agent in chili peppers that is oil-based so it will be removed quickly. You can use the chili burn treatment for your child multiple times if your child still feels a burning sensation after one wash.

Washing your hands immediately will help remove chili burns from your skin

Tip: You can combine it with a soft toothbrush or sponge to effectively clean the chili stuck to your child's nails.

Use cooking oil or vaseline

In addition to cleaning solutions, you can also use products containing oil to dissolve the oil in chili peppers (oil eliminates other oils). Vegetable cooking oils or olive oil will help neutralize capsaicin oil and soothe chili burns immediately. This is an effective way to treat chili burns on hands, eyes, and mouth.

After applying cooking oil to your child's skin for about 1 minute, wash it off with soap and clean water. Similar to cooking oil, vaseline or aloe vera gel also has rich, oil-based ingredients and will soothe chili burns.

How to treat chili burns in children with vinegar

According to research agencies, treating chili burns on hands, eyes, and mouth by soaking in diluted vinegar water will help remove capsaicin oil effectively. Furthermore, vinegar is very benign and will not dry or irritate your child's skin.

Table vinegar or apple cider vinegar can both be used as a treatment for chili burns in children

In addition to vinegar, parents can use foods that contain acids such as lemons, tomatoes, etc. These two types are effective in reducing the burning of chili peppers similar to vinegar.

How to treat chili burns and spicy chili in the mouth area

When there is a burn or spicy chili in the mouth, you will not be able to use chemicals to wash your child because those ingredients will be harmful to the child's health if swallowed. So you should choose the benign ingredients below to soothe the pain caused by chili for your child.

How to cure spicy chili in the mouth with cold milk

Milks rich in fat and oil will help dissolve the capsaicin oil that causes chili burns (according to the principle of oil dissolving oil), which is a method used by many people to treat chili burns in children . In addition, milk also has a protein component, casein, that fights capsaicin found in chili peppers. If your baby feels a burning sensation in his mouth, give him a sip of cold milk for a few minutes.

A sip of cold milk will help soothe the burning pain in your mouth caused by chili

Use ice cubes to treat chili burns

An effective way to relieve the pain of chili pepper burns is to use ice. Let your child suck on ice or gently roll an ice cube over the burned skin. However, children's skin is inherently very fragile, to avoid cold burns, mothers should use a baby towel or paper towel to wrap the ice cube before applying it to their child.

What to do when chili gets in your eyes

Chilli in the eyes can be very dangerous. Children's eyes are irritated by chili peppers, which can cause them to struggle and rub their eyes, making the chili sting more severe. You can apply the following method to treat chili burns for children to avoid causing eye damage.

Using ice will immediately soothe the burning sensation

Using milk is the best way to get rid of stinging eyes

You've probably heard that drinking milk will help quickly relieve spiciness. Milk has the same effect on chili pepper burns. There is a lot of fat in milk that can quickly neutralize the capsaicin oil in chili.

You should choose high-fat milk, dip a tissue in cold milk, squeeze out excess milk and let your child apply it to his closed eyes. Your baby will feel less stinging when the tissue warms up. Parents continuously repeat this until the child's spicy taste is completely gone.

Tea grounds soothe burning pain

In case the house has tea residue available, parents can use tea residue to apply on the chili burned skin. Tea grounds have the effect of temporarily soothing urgent burns. Put the tea grounds on your closed eyes and wait for the results. Better yet, you should use a paper towel soaked in some tea to apply it.

Use tea grounds to apply to your eyes to soothe the pain

Above is how to treat chili burns for children on their hands, eyes, and mouth in case they get stuck. You can also buy kitchen toy sets for your children to teach children about objects and spices, in case they are curious and touch spicy spices such as ginger, pepper, chili... There are many other interesting parenting tips that we want to share. for you, don't forget to follow Mykingdom's Handbook section to see!