How to care for children in the hot summer to avoid heat stroke and heat stroke

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách chăm sóc cho trẻ trong mùa hè nắng nóng để tránh say nắng, sốc nhiệt


Recently, rising temperatures have caused many children to become dehydrated and weak. To take good care of children in the hot summer , parents need to pay attention to their child's condition and promptly add water and protective equipment. Appropriate care, especially when the weather changes erratically, will enhance adaptability, contribute to physical development and resistance so children are less likely to get sick.

How to care for children in the hot summer: Give your baby enough water

To take care of children in the hot summer and prevent them from becoming dehydrated and tired, parents need to pay attention to increasing their baby's daily water intake. Not only filtered water, you should increase the amount of water through water containing many minerals and vitamins such as fruit juice, fresh coconut water, pennywort juice, sugarcane juice... to help children's bodies stay cool and at the same time nutritious. Supplement nutrients so your baby has good resistance and is able to fight diseases.

Drinking enough water is extremely important, especially in the summer

The amount of water that children need to drink should be divided evenly throughout the day and should not drink too much water in the evening. In hot climates like ours, children need more water during the day. Parents should teach their children to drink water at a fixed time and not wait until they feel thirsty to drink, because by this time the cells are already lacking water. The way to care for children in the hot summer when the amount of water they drink during the day is still not enough is to replace water with pure milk, which both replenishes water and provides energy for long, active days.

Cool your child's body properly

Bathing children is considered one of the effective ways to care for children in the hot summer. Bathing will help remove sweat and bacteria on the child's skin, bringing a cool and comfortable feeling to the child. Parents need to note that even in the summer, you should not bathe your baby in cold water, because sudden changes in skin temperature will make your baby sick. Parents need to add a little warm water so that the child's body temperature and the water are not too different. You should only bathe your baby once a day, bathing too much will disrupt the balance of microorganisms on the skin, losing the natural protective layer.

Check out more bathroom toys to make bath time more fun

Baby clothes should be airy, soft and made from natural fibers to help absorb sweat and prevent rashes. In addition, you should not dress your baby right after bathing, when the skin is not completely dry. When the skin is still wet, it will easily cause diaper rash, especially in areas with skin folds such as the neck, armpits... You should also not apply baby powder when the skin is still wet, talcum powder when exposed to water will clump up. , hinders sweat secretion on the skin.

Maintain a nutritious diet

The heat often makes the baby tired and uncomfortable, plus drinking a lot of water due to the heat, especially drinking carbonated soft drinks, can easily make the baby "falsely full", leading to anorexia. So to take care of children in the hot summer, parents need to keep the daily diet correct and increase green vegetables in their children's diet. In case the child still refuses to eat, mothers can cook nutritious, cooling soups for their children, both making it easier for them to eat and providing adequate nutrients. A reasonable diet is also an important factor to enhance children's resistance.

Add more fruit to create a great nutritional regimen

Another way to care for children during the hot summer is to let them eat more healthy fruits. Fruits are not only delicious, sweet, and full of vitamins, but also provide the water your child loses due to the heat. At the same time, fruits containing lots of vitamin C also help moisturize and retain the ideal amount of water for the body naturally. Furthermore, fruit prices in the summer are also very cheap, parents can buy watermelon, oranges, peaches, pineapples... to keep in the refrigerator and use gradually.

Fully equipped for your baby when they need to go out

Before going out, you need to be fully equipped with a sun hat, cool clothes, eyeglasses and a mask to create a layer of protection for your child. If you let your child travel by car, absolutely do not leave the child alone in the car. A child in a car with the door closed will easily get heatstroke due to lack of oxygen and direct sunlight from outside even though the ambient temperature at that time is only 25 degrees Celsius. When parking, you need to choose shade and avoid sunlight. Direct sunlight increases the temperature in the car, causing your baby to get heatstroke.

Glasses are both a fashion accessory and protect children's eyes from harsh sunlight

Another note to take care of children in the hot summer is that you should avoid sudden changes in your child's environment. Parents should not set the air conditioner at too low a temperature or the fan too strong while the outside temperature is too hot. You should not let your child go into an air-conditioned room immediately after returning from play, and limit letting your child play in the sun for a long time or move continuously outdoors.

Taking care of children in the hot summer is not easy because children are inherently immature and their resistance is not yet perfect. Furthermore, children are hyperactive and love to play. If parents forbid their children to go out and play, it will only make them more frustrated and upset. Parents should pay attention to the above things to make it easier to care for children during the hot season. In particular, if your baby's health is not good, you should buy them suitable toys so they don't get bored even when playing at home.