3 effective ways to help your child overcome the fear of injections

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
3 cách giúp bé vượt qua nỗi sợ tiêm hiệu quả


How to help your baby overcome the fear of injections is always a concern of many parents. Children are afraid of pain, crying or even screaming and refuse to be vaccinated, making every vaccination time a battle. Let's solve this problem with Mykingdom with the following 3 tips!

Explain to your child about the pain of being injected

Many parents are afraid that their children won't want to get vaccinated, so they use understatement to comfort their children, such as: "The injection doesn't hurt, just close your eyes and it'll be over", "The injection only hurts like being bitten by an ant." .. This action seems to help the child, but in fact it will only cause the child to lose faith in their parents' words and not cooperate when they need to be vaccinated.

Rebecca Carter - pediatrician at the University of Maryland Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Maryland School of Medicine, USA, recommends that parents should explain to their children that needles will cause pain. for a few seconds, instead of untrue words of comfort.

Explaining to your child about pain will minimize his or her negative emotions

To help your child overcome the fear of injections , parents can mentally count 3 - 5 seconds with their children, so that the child understands that the injection time is very short. Thereby, the baby also feels that the vaccination process is not too painful. You can also recall other experiences of the child, for example when the child falls, to refer to the pain caused by vaccination.

Encourage your child to overcome their fear of injections

Many children cringe when they see needles, this is a normal reaction. However, in case a child has extreme reactions, parents need to recognize that this is a manifestation of fear to find methods to help the child overcome the fear of injections .

For children who are afraid of doctors or injections because they are unfamiliar, parents can buy their children a pink doctor's suitcase . Parents can play the role of doctors or let their children play roles so they can practice using needles. stethoscope during medical examination. Once the baby has an idea of ​​what will happen at the upcoming injection session, spontaneous actions will be limited. Furthermore, parents should stay by their children's side during vaccination sessions to help their children feel less afraid, as well as promptly reassure their children when they are too scared.

Getting familiar with medical tools has a great effect in helping children overcome their fear of injections

If your child is still too nervous before the injection, you can use a ballpoint pen to help your child get used to the needle. Don't forget to reward your child with a piece of candy and teach him how to breathe deeply so he can quickly regain composure. If possible, parents can ask a doctor to reassure their child. A kind and friendly doctor will help make the vaccination session more comfortable.

After the vaccination session ends, whether the baby has overcome the fear of injections or not, parents should still reward the child with a small gift, maybe a hug, a play date, a new toy... You should show pride when your child has bravely completed the injection, and at the same time explain that he has contributed to protecting the health of himself and the community, to build a sense of pride in him.

Choose a medical facility with a comfortable and pleasant environment

If your child is new to vaccination, parents should choose medical services with a quiet space, such as a pediatrician's office, to make their child feel more comfortable. Getting your child used to injections is also extremely important in helping him overcome his fear of injections . In case the child has just had a vaccination and the parents choose a place with too many patients, if the child is stimulated by the cries of other children, the child will also become scared.

In particular, parents should carefully consult and choose a fixed medical facility. Young children often tend to be afraid of unfamiliar environments. If parents constantly change places to vaccinate their children, the child will feel very frustrated every time they have to get vaccinated.

If your child is familiar with the doctor, he or she will be less afraid of using medical services

Most importantly, parents need to choose a free day to take their baby to get vaccinated. If parents take the time to get vaccinated from their lunch break at school or before they go to work, their children will not be able to rest comfortably. Furthermore, parents' haste will also make their children more stressed.

Mykingdom hopes that the above tips will partly help your child overcome the fear of injections . Vaccination will help your child fight diseases, become healthier, and reduce the risk of common diseases. So instead of avoiding it, parents should help their children overcome the fear of vaccination!