Criteria for choosing a sports bike for 8 year old children

23.05.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
Tiêu chí chọn xe đạp thể thao trẻ em 8 tuổi


The need for parents to buy sports bicycles for 8-year-old children is very high because at this age, children need to be stimulated to exercise more to develop their skeletal system and become taller. But finding a bike suitable for children is not easy at all. Let Mykingdom help you by revealing the criteria to consider below.

Introducing the importance of choosing a sports bike for children

Choosing a sports bike for 8-year-old children is extremely important in the child's comprehensive development. At this age, children begin to develop strongly both physically and intellectually, and sports bicycles are not only a means of transportation but also an effective tool to support this process.

Children who regularly ride bicycles will have better health and endurance than their peers. Furthermore, cycling also helps strengthen muscles and develop flexibility and dexterity. Furthermore, this activity also helps children practice balance and reflexes, which are important skills in everyday life.

Children who ride a bike will have good health and outstanding endurance

In addition, sports bicycles for 8-year-old children are also a great means for children to explore the world around them. When cycling, children have the opportunity to interact with nature, explore new paths and develop curiosity and observation abilities. Your child will be able to decide for himself where he wants to go and where to stop. He will become much more confident and assertive when he is free to do what he wants.

Finally, cycling also brings moments of relaxation and fun, helping children relieve stress after stressful studying hours. The reason is because exercise helps the body produce happy hormones, so if your child is extremely frustrated with studying, take him or her for a bike ride right away.

Tips for choosing a suitable sports bike for 8 year old children

Sports bicycles for 8-year-old children bring many benefits in terms of child development, but how to choose a suitable bike is something that makes many parents wonder. Don't worry! Just ensure the following factors and your baby will immediately have a quality iron horse, ready to accompany them on every path.


The frame design must create favorable conditions for children to get on and off the bike easily. The frame structure must help reduce the risk of falling and ensure baby's safety during use. You need to pay attention to the material of the chassis. The frame should be made from tempered steel to ensure high durability, good bearing capacity, and absolute safety for the baby. You can choose Royal Baby's vehicle line because this brand's chassis is extremely optimally designed. In particular, the frame is also assembled from a robot so it is extremely sturdy and can load up to two adults without any problems.

Structure and material are both things to consider when choosing a frame


For brakes on 8-year-old children's sports bicycles, you can choose disc brakes or rim brakes. These two types both have a high safety factor, but we encourage you to choose disc brakes because they have much stronger braking power than rim brakes, helping your child control speed well and ensure safety when cycling. Disc brakes not only create a stylish, modern look for 8-year-old children's sports bikes but also work well in many weather conditions.

Careful selection of the brake system will increase the durability of the brake parts, they will not wear out quickly or become damaged after a period of use. However, you should still maintain it properly and regularly so that the brakes can work best, bringing safety to your child on the road.

Shock absorber

The shock is also an important part of an 8-year-old children's sports bike that many parents often ignore. Whether the car runs bumpy or not depends a lot on the fork. You need to check the fork to absorb shock when moving on rough terrain, creating a comfortable feeling for your baby and minimizing the risk of injury. A bike with good forks will help the bike move smoother, improving your child's cycling experience.

The fork will absorb shock when traveling on rough terrain


Tires should have traction grooves to help increase friction, reducing the risk of slipping, especially when traveling on wet or slippery surfaces.


Pedals should be made from anti-slip plastic material to help your child pedal firmly and safely, avoiding the situation of slipping off the pedal while moving, causing your child to easily fall.

Saddle and neck

8-year-old children develop very quickly, so parents need to choose a bike with a height-adjustable saddle and neck. This helps your baby always feel comfortable and have the correct sitting position when cycling, reducing the risk of back pain or muscle fatigue.

The car must suit the child's interests

In addition to safety factors, preference is also something you need to consider when buying an 8-year-old children's sports bike. You should choose the bike according to your child's favorite color to make your child more excited and love cycling. Furthermore, the car design must be attractive and suitable to the child's interests

Reputable address to buy bicycles for children

Where to buy reputable and quality sports bicycles for 8 year old children? Remember to visit Mykingdom Toy Kingdom! This is a reputable shopping address, specializing in providing high quality products for children. Mykingdom directly imports Royal Baby bicycles, a favorite brand in Northern Europe, famous for its luxurious design and outstanding quality.

Buy children's bicycles from reputable distributors

We regularly have promotions and discounts, helping parents save money when buying bicycles for their children. Most importantly, Mykingdom provides a warranty policy of up to 5 years for Royal Baby bicycles, so parents can rest assured to buy them for their children to use.

Choosing a suitable 8-year-old children's sports bike not only ensures safety but also helps your child have interesting and comfortable experiences when cycling. Taking the time to research and choose carefully will help parents find the best car for their child, ensuring both quality and child satisfaction.