How to make foaming water to play bubble camera

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách làm nước tạo bọt để chơi máy chụp hình bong bóng


You bought a super cute bubble camera but have used up all the bubble blowing water. What is the way you usually do it? Is it a matter of mixing a lot of soap or dishwashing liquid into a bottle and adding a little water and stirring well? This method is not wrong, but it cannot create as many bubbles as desired. Bubbles blown from a bubble camera are also fragile.

In particular, this method is too wasteful of cleaning solution. Forget about having to use dozens of soaps, because this is the right way to do it.

Choose ingredients to make bubble blowing water

Choose dishwashing liquid

The dishwashing liquid used to mix this solution needs to have a certain concentration. Diluted dishwashing liquids will cause wastage and soap bubbles will break more easily. You should choose dishwashing liquid from famous brands such as Sunlight, Amway...

To make soap bubbles tough and difficult to burst, you must choose a concentrated solution

Choose materials that create durability and toughness for soap bubbles

To make the balloons super tough, you can even use a towel to lift them up, people often use the following 3 ingredients to create soapy water for the bubble camera :

  1. Glycerin: Glycerin is a synthetic chemical that has neither odor nor color. When bubble blowing solution contains this substance, the bubbles will be tough and can be blown larger than usual. The formula with Glycerin is the best formula, however the price of this product is quite high and many parents worry that the chemical is not safe for their children's skin.

  2. Corn syrup: this is a type of syrup made from corn and some other chemicals. Syrup is often used to create a soft, spongy texture for cakes. This syrup also creates toughness for soap bubbles, helping them to burst longer. However, people rarely choose this ingredient for the same reasons as Glycerin.

  3. Sugar: sugar also helps bubbles last longer and burst longer. This is also the most widely used material because it is cheap and safer for children.

Sugar is a cheap ingredient found in every kitchen and can be used in foaming solutions

How to prepare foaming solution (lots of foam, lots of bubbles)


1 liter of warm water (Warm water will dissolve sugar faster)

100gr white sugar

120ml concentrated dishwashing liquid/shampoo

How to mix solution for bubble camera

Step 1: Dissolve sugar in water

Step 2: Slowly add dishwashing liquid and mix with the sugar solution.

Note: Just stir gently and evenly so that the dishwashing liquid dissolves and does not foam.

Step 3: Leave the solution overnight so that the sugar water and soap solution is completely absorbed.

Step 4: Put the solution into a bottle and store it in a cool place. Pour a little into the bubble camera and you're done.

Pour the finished solution into the bubble camera and use immediately

From now on, parents no longer have to worry about their child's bubble camera running out of soap solution. Playing with soap bubbles brings many benefits to children's development. When looking at beautiful, colorful balloons, your child's vision will develop very well. Furthermore, watching soap bubbles float slowly and then burst also stimulates children's thinking ability and desire to explore. For babies over 1 year old, children also like to chase bubbles, so they will improve their motor skills faster. When they get older, they will be like us, learning more about how to create soap solution for bubble cameras , they will love science - a subject that can explain interesting things in science. life.