Share how to choose Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children that are appropriate for age and gender

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Chia sẻ cách chọn quà trung thu cho bé phù hợp độ tuổi và giới tính


Mid-Autumn Festival is an opportunity for children to have fun, carry lanterns, and celebrate the moon. In particular, the interesting gifts your child receives from parents and relatives on this occasion will become a beautiful and memorable part of his or her childhood. Check out the following article on how to choose Mid-Autumn Festival gifts that are appropriate for your child's age and gender.

Choose a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for your baby that is appropriate for gender

Mid-Autumn Festival gift for girls

Most girls are often attracted to adorable toys such as dolls , toys, kitchen toys, playdough, kinetic sand or pretty accessories. They seem simple, but they are all very useful toys in developing children's brains. At the same time, toys for girls also contribute to training ingenuity, forming a hard-working and meticulous personality, and evoking love and care for those around them.

Mid-Autumn Festival gift for boys

Boys often have strong and hyperactive personalities. Therefore, when choosing Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for boys, parents can refer to powerful, sporty toys such as toy supercars, remote-controlled airplanes, and sports toy sets. In addition, vocational toy lines such as mechanical toy sets, doctor toys, science toys, construction engineer toys... are also great choices for little princes who are just learning. Just playing and full of benefits.

Choose Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for your baby that are appropriate for their age

Besides gender criteria, choosing Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children that are appropriate for their age is extremely important. This not only helps your baby feel interested in toys but also maximizes the educational effectiveness of each toy for your baby.

Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children 1-2 years old

1-2 year old babies are curious and explore everything around them by touching, holding, and even putting them in their mouths. Therefore, when choosing a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for your baby, parents should choose toys with few details, non-toxic materials, and rounded edge designs to ensure health safety. In addition, toys for children from 1-2 years old with eye-catching colors, combining sounds, light effects, and movement will create attraction and help children comprehensively develop all skills.

Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children 3-5 years old

Children aged 3 years and older have had certain cognitive and physical development. This is the ideal time for parents to let their children play with active toys for physical development such as bouncing animals, scooters, balance bikes... Besides, smart toys such as control cars , robot toys, playdough, role-playing toys or assembly toys... are also extremely suitable for babies to have fun and be creative during this period.

Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children 6-8 years old

At the age of 6-8 years old, the child's main activity is studying. Therefore, parents can give their children practical gifts such as learning tools such as play dough, school backpacks, handbags, water bottles, story books... or intellectual board games such as checkers. billionaire, chess... In particular, children at this stage their preferences for toys also change completely. When choosing Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children, parents should rely on each child's interests and personality to find the most suitable gift.

Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children aged 9-10 years old

Most children aged 9-10 years old have good control of motor skills. Children like to participate in more complex activities, requiring coordination between many skills, endurance, ingenuity... Instead of choosing their own Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for their children, parents can ask about their interests and preferences. my child's wishes. Surely your baby will be extremely excited and happy when receiving his favorite gift. Some favorite toy suggestions for children from 9-10 years old are assembly toys, bicycles, smart watches...

Where to buy quality Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children with many designs?

Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, children's toys are sold a lot on the market. But no one is sure about the quality and safety of the product. Therefore, in addition to choosing Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children that are appropriate to their gender, age or interests, parents need to pay attention to the origin and reputable toy brands to ensure their children's health and safety. child.

With the desire to accompany parents in the journey of caring for and raising smart and healthy children, Mykingdom has brought many practical and useful products. From intellectual development toys to countless physical development toys ... All have clear origins and famous brands in the world. If parents need to choose a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for their baby, please visit Mykingdom Toy Kingdom at to refer to and shop for many attractive toys at reasonable prices. offers and best service.