Benefits when children play with large-sized model cars

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Lợi ích khi trẻ chơi xe mô hình kích thước lớn


Playing with large-sized model cars is not simply a fun and entertaining activity for children, but also brings many important benefits to children's development. Mykingdom will show you the values ​​that model cars can bring to your baby.

Children playing with model cars develop hand-eye skills

When children play with large-sized model cars , they need to focus on understanding the separate parts of the car to learn how each vehicle operates. For example, how the wheels roll in, how to change the position of parts or even change the shape of the vehicle. This action requires children to use both their hands to touch and their eyes to observe to perform tasks accurately and effectively.

When children develop basic hand-eye skills, they can perform more complex actions such as writing, drawing, building puzzles, or daily activities such as brushing teeth, combing hair, etc. Children can become independent sooner and become more confident about their abilities.

Playing with model cars helps children become more independent sooner and at the same time become more confident in their abilities

In particular, children playing with large-sized model cars also improve their fine motor skills. Using your hands skillfully will help your child be happy every day, always ready to explore surrounding objects.

See more articles:How to develop fine motor skills in young children?

Develop thinking abilities and creativity

Besides developing hand-eye skills, children playing with large-sized model cars can enhance their thinking because they need to think and make a plan to be able to experiment with rotating, assembling, etc. parts on the vehicle without damaging the parts. The process of playing with cars also increases children's ability to associate with daily vehicles on the road, such as cars, buses, trucks, ambulances, etc.

Not stopping there, children playing with model cars will develop their ability to build stories and be creative. They can arbitrarily create fictional stories and situations with the car to see how the car works. How do cars affect people's lives? Parents will certainly burst out in surprise because their children are increasingly improving their ability to handle situations according to each subject.

Children playing with model cars will develop their ability to build stories and be creative

For example: A person has urgent work but doesn't have a car to go. Coincidentally, another person comes by car, so what should the other person say to get a ride? Or how important a car is in transporting goods to places... children will give many "childish" but extremely new answers, parents should not forget to listen to their children and give answers. Reasonable advice for your child to learn life knowledge at the same time!

Model cars help children learn more about transportation

Playing with model cars is not simply an entertainment activity but also has great learning value for children. Through exploring and interacting with different model vehicles, children have the opportunity to explore and learn about the diversity of cars, planes, trains, or any other vehicle. that I care about.

Children can clearly see how the wheels rotate and move, how the engine works, and how the car's parts interact with each other to create movement. Your child's curiosity and love of discovery really "explodes" during this process. Your child will crave to learn about cars, which also lays the foundation for his or her technical knowledge.

In particular, some large vehicles will include all the details such as seats, steering wheel, brake pedal, etc. for your child to observe and learn about. Some high-end products such as the RAM 2500 Beach Rescue Vehicle with staff and stand-up paddle board also have accompanying playsets such as characters and accessories for children to role-play.

The product comes with an accompanying playset such as characters and accessories for children to better role-play

Children playing with model cars develop their thinking and skills. The process of playing model cars will help develop better with the companionship of parents. You can absolutely play with your child, answer questions and give suggestions to stimulate creativity, while at the same time teaching your child more knowledge about cars to make them even more interested. Parents, please visit the Mykingdom website and choose BRUDER 's large-sized model cars right away !