Piano play mats help babies develop comprehensively

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Thảm chơi piano giúp trẻ sơ sinh phát triển toàn diện


In the early stages of your baby's life, your child will need a lot of support to perfect their motor skills and language abilities. So it is extremely important in the development process of infants that parents need to choose appropriate toys to support their children. The multi-functional piano mat suitable for each stage of infant development will definitely be the optimal choice.

What benefits does a piano play mat bring to children 0 - 3 months old?

For babies under 3 months old, parents often tend to carry them in their arms because they think the baby's body is still weak. However, babies from 0 to 3 months old are starting to develop gross motor skills. When you put your baby on his stomach, you will see him lift his head slightly at a 45 degree angle. Therefore, when parents let their children lie on the piano mat , the colorful rattles and pianos will attract the child's attention, the baby will try to raise his head to look, thereby initially helping him. gross motor development.

The piano mat has an adorable panda rattle in clear black and white colors, which is very beneficial for your baby's eyes. Because children under 3 months old have not yet perfected their vision, black and white is extremely important in the development of their eyes.

In addition, your baby will react to different types of sounds. When parents talk or shake the toy, the baby will turn his eyes or head in that direction. This activity shows that your child's hearing is developing. If the baby does not have any reaction even when hearing strange sounds such as a phone ringing or a rattle, parents should take the baby to the hospital for a check-up.

Development of infants 4 - 6 months old

At this stage, your baby knows how to attract the attention of those around him by babbling and smiling in response to what he hears. Parents should talk to their children more at this time to lay the foundation for developing their children's language abilities.

Sometimes parents should let their children lie on the carpet to play the piano alone so they can explore the world. The product's cushion is extremely soft and breathable, so your baby can lie down for a long time without getting hurt or getting rashes. When you stretch your foot out to pedal, you will hit the keys. The joyful sounds emitted will make your baby extremely excited. Sound plays a very important role in developing your child's hearing, the music from the piano has a moderate volume, not shrill.

Your baby will have many outstanding developments when he is 4 months old

Babies from 4 months old tend to love colorful objects. The lion rattle comes in 2 colors, yellow and red, and will help your child have great hours of play. Parents can also remove the rattle from the hanger so that their child can hold it in their hand and the baby will try to suck it, thus helping the child develop their taste buds.

Piano play mats are beneficial for the development of 7 - 9 month old babies

Babies at this stage will begin to learn how to crawl. They like to crawl around the house to explore everything. When children first learn to crawl, parents should let them practice on a surface that is not too hard to avoid injury to the child's knees, but also not too soft, reducing balance. The piano mat will definitely be a great help in this process.

Many fast-growing babies can stand and walk by the time they are 9 months old. Instead of being the one holding their baby, parents can practice letting their baby stand through a shelf hanging on the play mat. The hanging rack also has adorable rattles that your baby can hold while learning to stand, helping them enjoy it more.

The piano mat also has a mirror to help children develop the ability to recognize themselves, interact emotionally, and recognize facial changes through each emotional expression. Babies can hold hanging objects to develop fine motor skills, especially small muscle groups in the wrist and fingers.

Piano play mats bring many benefits in the early stages of a baby's life

Children from 10 - 12 months old

In addition to the motor skills that need to be perfected such as sitting, standing, etc., children will gradually learn to say simple words and give highly accurate responses to their parents' words. You can practice your child pronouncing simple words and show him the parts on the toy to stimulate him to talk more.

In addition, parents can remove the piano from the playmat so their children can take it to play in places they like. Don't forget to clap and cheer for your child to be more excited when pressing the keys with their hands. Your baby will perfect fine motor skills sooner.

Parents can let their children use play mats throughout their development

The piano playing mat is truly a great product to develop children's motor skills and senses. Toys are at extremely preferential prices, parents should quickly buy this 3-in-1 playmat for their babies!