Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals - blind box set with a dark theme

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals - bộ blind box với chủ đề đen tối


Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals conveys a rather heavy message, when Skullpanda becomes animals and has to endure pain and damage caused by humans. Mykingdom will help you learn the story of each character, so you understand why this model set is so worth buying.

Moths (Moths)

Moths are insects that are not beneficial to humans because they destroy furniture and plants. So people always find ways to destroy them. But what is wrong with it? It just follows its instincts and searches for food.

White mouse

White mice are animals that are raised a lot in laboratories. Like this model, you can see that our mouse is numbered with a barcode. They are in charge of "testing" drugs before the products are sold on the market. And, even if they die from the effects of the drug, who cares?

Polar bears

According to the modernization of the living world, more and more emissions are released into the environment, causing the Earth to warm up. You can see it when the weather is increasingly erratic and the ice in the Arctic is melting. When the ice melts, where will polar bears and seals live? Have you ever thought about it?

Blue butterfly

This blue butterfly with extremely unique and beautiful colors is on the brink of extinction due to habitat destruction and human hunting. In the name of art, they use them to make specimens, attach them to paintings... without caring about how painful they will be.


Unicorns are beautiful creatures but only exist in people's dreams. The unicorn model in the Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals set is just a normal horse, but with a horn and wings sewn on to turn it into a unicorn, satisfying people's desire for an unreal creature.


This is also one of the creatures most heavily affected by human development. Wastewater being discharged into the sea pollutes water sources, and people throw trash carelessly, causing marine animals to swallow it and not be able to breathe. This is no longer a rare story. This model set depicts their pain in detail, you can see the tears of pain and the sea creature's hands wrapped in a plastic bag, how heartbreaking and helpless!


The rabbits in the Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals set are barcoded, symbolizing that they were raised in captivity in a laboratory. Similar to white mice, humans use rabbits to test cosmetics. Wounds caused by irritation and side effects of cosmetics were all on the rabbit's face, they had to use a rabbit mask to hide their ugliness and hatred towards humans.


Foxes are still hunted for the purpose of making fur coats, gloves, hats... Who knows their pain when they are hunted by humans and have to become lifeless shirts? The Skullpanda model wears a fox fur coat with the fox's head still open as if it were still alive, making people's spines chill because of the mistakes they have made to this animal.

homing pigeons

Creatures were extremely important in the era before telephones. Their wings have delivered letters to many people, carrying information widely. But as technology developed, homing pigeons became an outdated existence and people turned them into dishes on drinking tables and banquet tables.


People increasingly love dogs and cats and even take on the role of "lotus" in charge of taking care of them. However, some people take it for fun to raise dogs and cats without ever really caring about what they need. For example, in this Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals model, the cat is decorated with excessive makeup to serve human aesthetics while cats inherently love freedom.


This model set tells the story of an oil spill at sea that causes millions of penguins to die. Oil spill accidents at sea greatly affect the living environment, especially small, weak creatures that can only endure. Their bodies and fur are flooded with oil. Even if they can't breathe and die, humans won't stop.

Elephant at the circus

Surely you have once seen elephants perform extremely amazing circus acts. But to get a few minutes of performance, what did they have to go through? Elephants are chained and even beaten from a young age so that when they grow up they will still obediently obey and not resist humans.

Animals eat dreams

The last and also rare model of the Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals set is the dream eater. POPMART ends this heavy-themed model set with a hope that the nightmares above will be consumed by divine beasts.

So Mykingdom has helped you better understand the Skullpanda The Mare Of Animals model . Although the message conveyed is a bit heavy, it cannot be denied that these are ongoing situations, and we ourselves should contribute a small part of our strength to protect creatures as well as protect the environment. our own lives.