What do parents need to prepare when children return to school after summer break?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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The flirting sound gradually signals the end of the term, this is also the time when children return to school after summer break . The disappointment of no longer being able to play freely makes many children confused and unable to adapt. Some children even protest by crying and tantrums. To foster a happy and excited state of mind when your child goes back to school, mothers need to keep in mind the following things.

Prepare new school bags and school supplies

How to make your child feel eager to go to school? It's buying new school supplies. I will be eager to meet my friends again to show off the brand new items my parents bought for me. In addition, buying new school supplies also shows parents' care and concern for their children.

Your baby will be extremely excited when he gets to choose clothes with his parents. You can choose products such as backpacks, pens, notebooks, and notebooks from the CLEVER HIPPO brand to bring the most trendy and quality products to children. The products have a variety of colors and designs, you should consider your child's preferences as well as the uniform that your child wears every day to be able to coordinate clothes for your baby.

Brand new backpacks will make you excited to show them off to your friends

Prepare mentally before children return to school after summer break

Chat to help your child stay happy

Talking with children is something parents should do at any time, not just when children return to school after summer break . The more time parents spend talking and confiding with their children, the more you will understand their children's wishes and worries, thereby giving them appropriate advice. This also helps your child boldly share what he thinks to get help from his parents.

Parents should talk to their children so they can open up and share their difficulties

To start the conversation, parents should ask their child how they feel about their summer vacation to know why they don't want to go back to school. And then with gentle words of encouragement, parents need to paint a good future scenario when their child can complete the school program well, such as: receiving a scholarship, being loved by teachers, and becoming better. ... Don't think that your child's unwillingness to go to school is not a big deal, your parents' understanding is the source of motivation for your child to achieve the best learning state.

Read many school books to your child

When summer vacation is about to end, mothers can buy books and read them to their children. Better yet, mothers should choose books about school experiences to help their children be more interested in returning to school. Some books that mothers can refer to include:

  • Matilda: Tells about a girl who loves reading and becomes strong despite facing many difficulties from both school and family.
  • Cricket's Adventure: Telling about the expedition of a cricket, the story will stimulate children's desire to explore the world.

Parents should choose good books to read to their children before going to bed

Adjust your baby's activity schedule

During summer vacation, children can have fun and have fun. Before children return to school after summer vacation , parents should change their children's daily routine such as: bedtime, wake-up time... You should not make sudden changes. Wake your child up early every day. At the same time, parents should also consider training their child in the habit of napping so that they feel more alert for afternoon classes.

Parents should note that they should not yell or scream to wake their children up, this will make the child mentally sensitive. This can have long-term consequences, the child will easily wake up startled even when the parents are just talking normally. If parents are grumpy when waking their children, it will also make the child hate waking up more.

Supplement adequate nutrients to keep your child from getting sick

When children are healthy, they will have enough energy to focus on learning. Mothers need to feed their children enough nutrients to develop resistance. A menu that is nutritious but also needs to be delicious and new to ensure your child is not a picky eater.

Babies will love dishes prepared by mothers themselves

Mothers should let children eat foods they like, but need to limit greasy foods and carbonated drinks. Instead, parents should let their children eat lots of green vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins. Juices or smoothies will be the perfect replacement for unhealthy drinks.

Refer to the articleWhat are the causes of children getting sick when going to preschool?

Take time to take your children to school

When children return to school after summer break, they will feel anxious and a little scared. Parents need to take time to take their children to school no matter how busy they are. The companionship of parents in the first days will help children become more confident.

On the way, parents can also tell their children about interesting activities at school, as well as games that children can play with friends. In addition, let your child know that their parents will come pick them up after school to help them feel more safe. Remember to say goodbye to your child with a warm hug!

Sending children to school means a lot to them

When children return to school after summer break , it is also the time they begin a new journey with many new challenges. So this will be an important milestone for your child. If parents are prepared according to the above methods, we believe that their children will be happier and more comfortable when going to school. Don't forget to visit the Handbook section to learn more parenting tips!