The importance of teaching children to learn colors

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Color is a magical gift that nature has given to humanity. Color helps us distinguish things, making life more beautiful, lively and meaningful. Therefore , teaching children to recognize colors from an early age is extremely important for them to explore the world and develop their thinking, mood, behavior... But not all parents understand the importance. of teaching children to learn colors. Parents are invited to refer to the article immediately.

The development of children's color vision according to each age

- People connect with the world of colors through sight. Right from birth, a child's eyes can see, but the brain is not yet mature enough to process complex information. Therefore, the baby's ability to recognize colors is still very limited.

- From 3 months old, babies can distinguish colors. From paying attention to black and white objects and pictures, your baby will turn his attention to outstanding colors such as red, blue, yellow...

- By 5 months old, children's color vision develops stronger.

- From 3 to 4 years old, children can recognize, identify and name basic colors. Teaching your baby to learn colors at this time will help them develop effective communication language skills.

- Children's color vision will continue to develop until age 10. A normal person can perceive 150 different colors.

The benefits of teaching children colors

Memory training

It is easier for us to remember things through color. Children are the same. It is difficult for children to remember complex details such as size, shape, properties... but when they know the color of that object, they will remember it longer. Therefore, teaching children to learn colors helps children practice good memory ability.

Enhance observation ability

The colors the child shows in the drawing are a reflection of the world through the child's memory and perception. This is how your baby shows his or her observation ability. Thanks to that, the baby's worldview is increasingly expanded and richer.

Be aware of things around you

Every object and phenomenon in the world has characteristic colors. When teaching children to learn colors through these objects, it will help them recognize and distinguish easily. For example, your baby will know what color his backpack is, what color your backpack is and won't get confused.

Develop language abilities

Teaching children to learn colors makes an important contribution to developing children's vocabulary. Children can introduce themselves and express their wishes in choosing colors. For example, " I like the red toy car ", " I like the blue backpack "...

Develop motor skills

Teaching children to learn colors also encourages children to exercise and practice manual dexterity. From holding a brush, scribbling with a pencil or coloring with crayons, it all helps children's motor skills.

Stimulates creativity

When teaching children to learn colors, parents or teachers often let them practice coloring and drawing. A new world will be created on a blank page when children use colors and color combinations. This will stimulate the baby's creativity, and at the same time, parents can easily discover their child's talents to develop from a young age.

Create happiness and confidence for children

Teaching children to learn colors will help them feel excited and effectively recognize the world around them. This is not only beneficial for the development of thinking and imagination but also helps children feel more confident.

Hopefully the information in the article will help parents better understand the benefits of teaching children colors. Mykingdom always wants to accompany parents in the journey of comprehensive development for their children both physically and intellectually.

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