Mid-Autumn Festival is coming - Hurry up and buy new toys

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Mùa trung thu sắp tới - Nhanh tay sắm đồ chơi mới


There are only 3 days left until the Fairy Tale Full Moon - Giving Children's Favorite Gifts program will end. Parents, please quickly visit the Mykingdom website to receive the opportunity to buy toys for the Mid-Autumn Festival with up to 50% discount. The toys at Mykingdom will help your baby and family have many happy moments together.

Fairytale Full Moon Program - What gifts do children like?

It would be wonderful if on Mid-Autumn Festival, your children were surprised by their parents with new toys. That toy can be a Hanky ​​Panky magic toy , the child can show off his talent and create magic acts that will surprise the adults in the house and make them clap their hands. Furthermore, magic toys also train children's dexterity and help them develop thinking. Children can create more new magic tricks with other objects.

Children can show off their talents and create magic shows that make adults extremely excited

If your child is a fan of motorbikes, what about assembled motorbike model products? The assembled model car toy components are exquisitely designed from appearance to interior, including dividing screws to tighten assembly screws. The uniform details create a solid structure for the model, the child does not need to fix it with any type of glue.

This toy will be more fun when parents play with it. The whole family gathering together to assemble a motorbike will help improve family love and have hours of extremely fun entertainment. Once completed, parents can display the product in the living room or child's desk, both of which are very luxurious and beautiful.

The assembled model car toy components are exquisitely designed from appearance to interior

And there are many other toys such as the BRUDER car model to help children understand more about the engineering profession, the Among Us astronaut model, 3D puzzle toys... that parents can buy for their children during the Fairy Full Moon, as gifts. baby's favorite gift.

Why should you buy toys for your baby on Mid-Autumn Festival?

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, toys will act as a bridge so that parents and children can spend more time together, creating happy and memorable memories for children. Furthermore, the fact that a child is proficient in using a toy and can describe it to parents also builds a sense of pride in the child, and the child will become more and more confident and shine.

Not stopping there, toys given on a special occasion will stimulate your child's desire to discover the meaning of that holiday. Parents can use toys to explain the traditional values ​​of the Mid-Autumn Festival. After understanding more about the meaning, your child will certainly appreciate the toy that their parents buy for them even more.

Telling your baby about fairy tales on Mid-Autumn Festival night is also not a bad choice

In particular, toys will help children practice their creativity and ability to associate. Especially multi-functional toys. Parents will be amazed at their children's creativity. Most importantly, toys will help your child have moments of comfort and relaxation, temporarily forgetting the pressure of studying and surrounding pressures. Waiting and opening Mid-Autumn Festival gifts also creates hope and anticipation in your baby. Children will learn patience and how to manage their emotions better.

Quickly buy Mid-Autumn Festival toys for your baby at the link: Fairy Full Moon - Give your baby favorite gifts to create a happy and meaningful Full Moon Festival!