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Origin and historical significance of International Labor Day 1/5

25.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

International Labor Day, May 1, is a holiday used to pay tribute to the workforce around the world. So why does this holiday exist and how many years have we celebrated International Labor Day? Please join Mykingdom to find out through the article below! Origin of International Labor Day May 1 Karl Marx considered shortening working hours to be the fighting task of the proletariat since the founding of the First International. The slogan of an 8-hour work day began to appear in some regions of the country. England - one of the countries with the most strongly developed industry at that time. After that, this movement gradually spread to neighboring countries. Then, the event of British workers and civil servants migrating to America occurred, leading to the movement requiring... ...


Reminisce about the historic victory on the occasion of April 30

21.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

The April 30 holiday , also known as the Complete Liberation Day of the South, has great significance for Vietnamese people. Mykingdom will provide you with some more information about this historic holiday, as well as review some glorious images of the resistance period of a nation that had to endure a long yoke of domination. What day is April 30? Southern Liberation Day April 30 is a big holiday for our country, carrying great historical significance. April 30 is the day of complete liberation of the South and unification of the country (April 30, 1975). Vietnamese people are entitled to paid leave on this day according to the provisions of the Vietnam Labor Code. The holiday of April 30 of 2024 is adjacent to May 1, employees have a... ...


Hung King's Anniversary: ​​commemorating the kings who built Vietnam

20.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

Hung King's Death Anniversary is an important holiday in Vietnam, welcomed by people across the country. Although the Anniversary is extremely popular, do you know the origin and historical significance of this holiday? If not, let's find out with Mykingdom. What is the date of Hung King's death anniversary? Hung King's death anniversary takes place on the 10th day of the third lunar month every year. The 2024 Anniversary is no exception, the holiday falls on Thursday, April 18. This is a normal working day so employees will have the full day off and receive full salary. However, in case Thursday is a weekly day off for employees, they are entitled to 2 days off on Thursday and an additional day off on Friday (According to Clause 3, Article 111... ...


Easter activities you should know

15.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

Easter is a major holiday of the year for Christians. During the holiday there will be many symbolic activities. Please join Mykingdom to learn more details about this holiday! What is Easter? Easter is the day used to commemorate the rebirth of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion. The earliest recorded celebration of Easter dates back to the 2nd century, but the resurrection of Jesus is believed to have taken place much earlier. There is still no accurate information about the word Easter in English representing Easter , but in the 8th century, Saint Beda explained that the word originated from Eostre, the goddess of spring with the ability to give birth. Anglo-Saxon property. Currently. Many believers agree that the word Easter comes from the Christian name for... ...


The 4 symbols of Easter have important religious meanings

08.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

Easter is the most important holiday for Christians, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. On this holiday, you will see Easter symbols decorated in the homes of believers. Osterhase Easter Bunny/Easter bunny When mentioning the symbol of Easter , surely you will immediately remember the image of Easter bunnies delivering eggs, right? The Easter bunny appeared in 1678, a medical professor named Von Georg Franck recognized the rabbit as a symbol of birth because a mother rabbit can give birth a lot in a year. Therefore, rabbits are considered a symbol of strong growth and development, very suitable for the meaning of this important holiday. Adorable Easter Bunny According to myths, the Easter Bunny acts as a judge, checking whether children are obedient before bringing eggs, candy... ...


Suggested content template 8/3 that is extremely creative and attractive to customers

06.03.2024BTV Trần Diệu

As March 8 approaches, finding March 8 content samples to attract customers becomes an extremely urgent task. Mykingdom has helped you synthesize notable content samples from some industries in the article below 8/3 content template for toy company Great deal for mom - Beautiful gift for baby March 8 is both an opportunity to express gratitude to the woman you love and an opportunity for children to experience attractive toys at extremely good prices. Mother and baby step by step explore the new world In every step of a child's development, there is the companionship of the mother. Let (company name) support you to help your child develop better. Together we open the door to a world of joy and growth Mothers always want their children to play healthily and... ...


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