The historical event on June 1 was full of tragedy

23.04.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
Sự kiện lịch sử ngày 1/6 đầy tang thương


Everyone knows that June 1 is International Children's Day, a day when children can have fun and receive meaningful gifts from relatives. But few people know that the historical event on June 1 was extremely heartbreaking, making the whole world remember it.

Historical event on June 1, 1942

The current International Children's Day brings with it the joy and happiness of children, but it originates from a sad and unforgettable day for humanity. The historical event of June 1 occurred in the years 1942 - 1944. At dawn on June 1, 1942, German fascist troops surrounded the village of Lidice (former Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic) and captured them. 173 men went, 196 others including women and children. Here, they callously killed 66 people and forced 104 children into concentration camps. Sadly, after that, more than 88 children died in the gas chamber, and 9 other children were taken by the fascists to become their lackeys.

Children were forced into concentration camps

The crimes of the fascists against the world in general and children in particular have not stopped there. Two years later, on June 10, 1944, they again surrounded the French town of Oradour and forced more than 400 people into the church, without exception women and more than 100 children, then they set fire to the church. leaving no one alive. The crimes of the fascists are unforgivable, making all humanity angry. sad for the loss of innocent children.

In order to commemorate the children who died in the historic event of June 1, the International Federation of Democratic Women decided to make June 1 the International Day to Protect Children in 1949. More Moreover, the organization of this holiday every year also reminds the Government to implement more policies to improve the lives of children, requiring them to reduce military budgets and increase budgets for education and care. Children's and children's care.

Historical event on June 1 in Vietnam

The first International Children's Day took place on June 1, 1950, during the most fierce period of the resistance war against the French colonialists. No matter how busy he is, President Ho Chi Minh still remembers the children and he sent congratulatory letters to the teenagers and children. Since then, every Children's Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, the children happily receive Uncle Ho's congratulations. Right after our country gained independence, June 1 and the Mid-Autumn Festival completely became a fun festival for children across the country.

Uncle Ho always cared and loved children

Our country's legal policies on children's rights are increasingly being improved and advanced. The Children's Law has 25 articles regulating children's rights, belonging to 4 groups of rights: the right to protection, the right to survive, the right to development, the right to participate. Children's rights are an indispensable premise for children to develop healthily and live in a safe environment. President Nguyen Xuan Phuc also affirmed: Caring for and protecting children and creating a good and healthy living environment is a strategic and central task for sustainable national development.

Although the historical event of June 1 carries the wounds of a sad past, it is also a day we spend remembering, honoring and protecting the future of children. Mykingdom hopes that children will be cared for and have an ideal environment to develop sustainably both physically and mentally.