LEGO robot - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 explodes social networking sites

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Robot LEGO - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 làm bùng nổ các trang mạng xã hội


LEGO Robot - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 is an educational technology event that is of top interest to parents today. The contest attracted the participation of contestants from many schools across the country. Coming to the competition, students will not only learn to develop themselves but also have the opportunity to show off the knowledge they have accumulated.

What is the LEGO Robot Creation Competition - ROBOTACON WRO 2023?

LEGO Robot - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 is the most prestigious and largest competition currently in Vietnam. Up to this point, the contest has received more than 1,300 registrations from contestants from 330 schools and centers. The technology event takes place to select the best teams in robot creation to compete at the World Robot Competition this November:

- GRG in Singapore

- WRO in Panama.

The top 30% with the highest achievements in the Northern Regional Qualifiers will continue to compete with the best teams from the Central and Southern regions at the Final in Hanoi on August 20 to find out. Representing Vietnam to participate in the World Robot Olympiad in Panama (Central and South America) later this year.

The contest attracted many participants

Why does LEGO Robot - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 receive so much attention?

The contest is not only a simple event for competition, but also plays an important role as a bridge to create conditions for the young generation of Vietnam to participate in a creative environment, promoting creativity and innovation. Explore your potential with your peers. Not only do they have the opportunity to show off their talents, but they are also exposed to a lot of new knowledge and learn from their predecessors.

A special feature of the competition is its ability to promote the development of technological thinking, especially in the field of robotics. Students not only participate in building robotic products but also participate in the process of finding, researching and applying technological solutions to solve problems in daily life.

Students can apply knowledge to create robots

Not only is it an individual competition, the LEGO Robot model - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 also creates conditions for students to work together in groups. The process of discussing, finding solutions together and convincing each other is a great opportunity to develop communication, teamwork and conflict resolution skills.

The contest attracted many sponsors

LEGO Robot Competition - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 organized by Viet Tinh Anh - LEGO Education in collaboration with the Danish Embassy, ​​with support from Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training. Hai Phong, City Youth Union. Hai Phong.

With the desire to provide the young generation of Vietnam with the best nutritional opportunities and conditions for them to develop and excel, Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) as a diamond sponsor has Accompanying the contest in the spirit of "Nurturing Vietnamese ingenuity". Throughout the tournament, Vinamilk supported the "little Robotacon players" with a variety of products such as: Vinamilk 100% fresh milk, Vinamilk Green Farm fresh milk; Drinking yogurt/ Vinamilk SuSu fruit milk, Vinamilk Hero fruit milk.

Sponsor Vinamilk accompanied and supported the students throughout the competition

The LEGO Robot Competition - ROBOTACON WRO 2023 is not only a place to demonstrate individual talents and abilities, but also a meaningful journey of creativity, learning and development for students. The contest is a stepping stone for the young generation of Vietnam to discover their own potential, express creativity and develop social skills, thereby contributing to building a bright future and sustainable development for the country. .

Register to visit the competition and participate in activities to experience advanced STEM robotics learning technology from the LEGO Group for free at: