What day is March 10? What does this holiday mean?

29.03.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
Mùng 10 tháng 3 là ngày gì? Ngày lễ này có ý nghĩa như thế nào?


In this article, Mykingdom will answer for you the question of what day March 10 is and what role this holiday plays in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people.

What day is March 10?

The 10th day of the 3rd lunar month is very familiar to the Vietnamese people, it is the Hung King's Death Anniversary. Some places also call March 10 Hung Temple Festival or Vietnam's National Death Anniversary.

Normally, people will start celebrating the traditional festival a few days to a week before the 10th day of the third lunar month, because this holiday plays a big role in everyone's heart. People should organize it solemnly. The worshiping ceremony of the Hung Kings will be held annually at Hung Temple, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province. Every year on March 10, millions of people come to Phu Tho to participate in the festival and burn incense to commemorate.

Thousands of people from all over the country flocked to attend the ceremony

March 10, 2024 will take place on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Because this is a workday of the week, employees will have paid leave for that entire day. Particularly for businesses that have a fixed day off on Thursday, they will have a compensatory day off on Friday (According to Clause 3, Article 111 of the 2019 Labor Code).

The meaning of Hung King's death anniversary on March 10

Surely you have heard at least once these two verses:

No matter who goes back and forth

Remember the death anniversary of the 10th day of the third month.

These two sentences express the importance of this holiday. Hung King's death anniversary is an opportunity for Vietnamese people to remember the great merits of the kings who built the country, and at the same time commemorate the generation of ancestors who courageously defended the country.

Not stopping there, March 10 is also a day for the young generation to learn about heroic history, thereby becoming more proud of their roots and the country that has given birth to countless generations of heroes.

Some cultural activities on Hung King's death anniversary

On the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month, there are two rituals in the Ceremony section held at Hung Temple:

King's palanquin procession: This is a palanquin procession, people will wear traditional costumes and carry flags, flowers, parasols, and palanquins and start from the foot of the mountain and go through temples to reach Thuong temple.

Incense offering ceremony: Pilgrims will light a few incense sticks until reaching the ancestral land. According to ancient beliefs, every handful of soil and tree stump at Hung Temple is very sacred, so those places are filled with incense sticks.

Not only are there solemn rituals in the Ceremony part, Hung Temple also has a vibrant Festival part, including activities such as: folk games, art festivals, swimming competitions at the intersection, there are also many folk games. : Xoan singing contest (ie teasing singing), a special folk song form of Phu Tho, wrestling contests, tug-of-war contests, or swimming contests at the Bach Hac river confluence, where Hung kings practiced troupes Marines practice war.

Many meaningful activities are held during the holiday

Mykingdom has provided you with some information about March 10th . We hope that the useful information above has helped you answer your questions about this holiday. Don't forget to pass it on to your children so that future generations can continue to promote and preserve cultural identity as well as always remember the nation's roots!