Feng shui meaning of 10 popular Tet flowers

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Ý nghĩa phong thủy của 10 loại hoa chưng Tết phổ biến


Every time Tet comes, families eagerly shop for clothes, items, and Tet flowers , ensuring their home is the brightest and most brilliant in the new year . Tet flowers are not just any type of flower, but often carry specific meanings and feng shui values. Today Mykingdom will help you learn the meanings of the most common flowers during Tet so you can choose the most suitable one for your home.

Peach blossom

When mentioning peach blossoms , people immediately think of the cold weather and bustling atmosphere of Tet in the North. The pink color of this flower exudes a shy beauty but is extremely fresh and sweet. Peach blossoms become Tet flowers not only because of their beauty, but also because they carry many lucky meanings.

Peach blossoms have many meanings of luck

People believe that peach blossoms are the essence of the five elements, and in the past they were often displayed in front of houses to ward off evil spirits. Now peach blossoms have many better meanings, such as symbolizing fertility and happiness. So Northerners display this Tet flower with the hope of bringing vitality to the house, helping family members to be happy and have everything go their way.

Apricot flowers

The North has peach blossoms, the South has apricot blossoms. Apricot blossom is a typical flower for Tet in the South. In particular, this flower only blooms when all the old leaves have shed, which usually falls in the spring around Tet. The roots of the apricot tree are still deeply embedded in the ground, not easily knocked down. This Tet flower is a symbol of patience and sacrifice of the Vietnamese people.

Apricot flowers symbolize many good human qualities

The bright yellow color of apricot flowers is a symbol of wealth. That is also the reason why Southerners often display yellow apricot blossoms in front of their doors, wishing for a prosperous new year and good health. It is said that the more petals a house's apricot blossoms have, the more prosperous and prosperous that house will be in the new year.


Gladiolus (also known as dandelion) is the most common altar flower on Tet holiday. The branches of gladiolus are small and green, giving way to the highlight of colorful petals. When pruned and combined with many branches, it will create a fresh flower vase filled with spring colors.

In addition, this Tet flower is also a symbol of money, luck and peace. When displaying flowers in the house, it will attract a lot of wealth to the family. Another reason people often choose gladiolus for Tet is because they are resilient and very easy to care for. You can display it until the end of Tet without fear of the flowers fading or wilting.

Gladiolus flowers are easy to care for and have a bright beauty

Gerbera daisies (gerbera flowers)

Since ancient times, people have believed that wearing gerbera chrysanthemums on Tet will help homeowners do well all year long. Right from its name, this Tet flower exudes wealth and fortune. Gerbera daisies are also considered a symbol of luck, helping to overcome bad luck. So if you don't know what lucky flowers to wear for Tet, choose gerbera flowers.

Gerbera daisies are considered lucky flowers for Tet


In the concept of Asian culture, daffodils symbolize luck, longevity and prosperity. In terms of feng shui, this Tet flower can also bring good luck to the homeowner. So many families choose daffodils as Tet flowers to pray for good fortune and money to come in the new year.

Daffodils bring prosperity to the homeowner

Red rose

The beautiful red color of roses is a symbol of full happiness and eternal love. In feng shui, the red color also represents luxury and fortune. Therefore, many families favor this flower for Tet, to bring brilliant vitality to the house.

You can display roses at any time of the year

Spring Bud

Right from the name, rosehips are associated with the traditional Tet of the Vietnamese people. This flower is considered a symbol of prosperity, meaning fertility and fullness of descendants. It can be said that, similar to peach blossoms or apricot blossoms, rosehips are an indispensable Tet flower for many families in the new year. The gentle yet elegant beauty of this flower will make your home more springy in the new year.

The gentle and vibrant beauty of spring buds

auspicious flowers

Vases of auspicious flowers possess overwhelming beauty, as if they are blowing fresh spring breeze into the house. Furthermore, auspicious flowers also represent happiness and peace, many families use this Tet flower to pray for a peaceful new year.

The elegance and nobility but no less sweetness of the auspicious flower is not something every flower is lucky enough to possess. For that reason, not only Vietnam but also the land of the rising sun is extremely fond of this flower.

Lisianthus flowers are very popular

Dahlia flowers

Dahlia flowers come in a variety of colors and exude gentle beauty. This flower symbolizes full vitality and signals a prosperous new year. In feng shui, dahlias are also believed to be Tet flowers that bring positive energy to the homeowner. People often display dahlias in the living room or on the family altar to pray for fortune and prosperity in the new year.

The beauty of dahlia flowers captivates many people


Poinsettias symbolize luck, expressing optimism and hope for a good life. Since ancient times, those who passed first in the Dinh exam were called poinsettias. During that time, there was a flower that always bloomed brightly in red, so people used the name poinsettia to name that flower. Therefore, Vietnamese people strongly believe that poinsettias can bring success and high academic achievement.

Poinsettias bloom on the day the poinsettia passes

People display Tet flowers with the hope that good things will come to their families in the new year. After reading the article, what kind of Tet flowers have you decided to choose for this year's Lunar New Year? If you want to buy beautiful flower bouquets as gifts, don't forget that Mykingdom sells LEGO flowers !