Hung King's Anniversary: ​​commemorating the kings who built Vietnam

20.03.2024   BTV Trần Diệu
Giỗ Tổ Hùng Vương: tưởng nhớ về các vị vua dựng xây đất Việt


Hung King's Death Anniversary is an important holiday in Vietnam, welcomed by people across the country. Although the Anniversary is extremely popular, do you know the origin and historical significance of this holiday? If not, let's find out with Mykingdom.

What is the date of Hung King's death anniversary?

Hung King's death anniversary takes place on the 10th day of the third lunar month every year. The 2024 Anniversary is no exception, the holiday falls on Thursday, April 18. This is a normal working day so employees will have the full day off and receive full salary. However, in case Thursday is a weekly day off for employees, they are entitled to 2 days off on Thursday and an additional day off on Friday (According to Clause 3, Article 111 of the 2019 Labor Code).

History of Hung King's Death Anniversary

According to the Tran Dynasty jade genealogy copied and stamped at Hung Temple, from the Later Le period onwards, dynasties have always managed Hung Temple by assigning people in that area to take care of it, repair it, and worship. In return, the court will exempt them from paying taxes, paying taxes on acres of fields, exempting them from paying taxes, as well as being exempted from serving as a husband and soldier. This means that from previous generations, our ancestors had the tradition of remembering the source when drinking water, remembering the contributions of the Hung Kings to building the country.

The contributions of the Hung Kings to building the country will be forever engraved

During the Nguyen Dynasty, the 2nd year of Khai Dinh (1917), Phu Tho Governor Le Trung Ngoc presented the Ceremony, setting the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month every year as the International Day (the whole country worships). Consul Bui Ngoc Hoan, Phu Tho Provincial Governor, who established the Hung Vuong stele in the 15th year of Bao Dai's reign (1940) also confirmed this event. Since then, Hung King's death anniversary has been formalized by law and takes place on March 10 according to the lunar calendar.

The meaning of Hung King's death anniversary

No matter who goes back and forth

Remember the death anniversary of March 10th.

These dear verses serve as an affirmation of the importance of Hung King's death anniversary for the children of red blood and yellow skin. Not just a holiday of the year, the Anniversary is a common festival of the entire Vietnamese people. On this day, all hearts, no matter where they live and work, will beat in the same way, all eyes will turn in the same direction, we will remember the honorable Kings who gave birth to The Vietnamese land as well as the sages who defended the country for the people.

During the holiday, people across the country can also participate in traditional and solemn cultural activities to show their sincerity. On December 6, 2012, UNESCO officially recognized the Hung King Worship as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This has contributed to highlighting the value of heritage through remembering and showing respect to ancestors, in the spirit of Looking back to the roots of our Vietnamese people.

The belief in worshiping Hung Vuong has existed for a long time

Among the 5 evaluation criteria of UNESCO experts, the Hung King Worship has met the most important criterion, which is a heritage element with outstanding global value, creating a great impact. great in encouraging the common consciousness of the entire nation. Indeed, this holiday also highlights the nation's spirit of solidarity, struggle to build and defend the country for thousands of years.

Where will the 2024 Hung Temple Festival take place and how long will it last?

Hung Temple Festival is also a very precious cultural custom of the Vietnamese people, held in Phu Tho province. The Anniversary Ceremony lasts from March 1 to the 10th of the third lunar month, that is, April 9 to April 18 of the Solar Calendar. You can arrange to participate to feel the heroic atmosphere of the ceremony. ceremony.

According to the plan issued by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province, the Hung Temple Festival will include a ceremony and a festival part.

  1. The Ceremony includes: Hung King's Death Anniversary and Flower Offering at the Bas-relief "Uncle Ho talking to officers and soldiers of the Great Pioneer Army" will take place on April 18, 2024 (March 10). ); The incense offering ceremony to commemorate King Hung in districts, towns and cities starts from April 9 - April 18, 2024.
  2. This year's Festival has many activities such as the opening program of the Hung Temple Festival, the Culture and Tourism Week of Dat To in the year of the Dragon 2024 and a press conference to provide propaganda information on April 9 (the 1st day of the month). 3 lunar calendar) held at the Festival Center Stage - Hung Temple Historical Relic Area. Not stopping there, people also enthusiastically participate in activities organized during the festival such as: Phu Tho mass music and folk music festival; ancient village Xoan singing performance; or Cultural Camp to organize display, promotion and introduction of products; activities displaying artifacts, world heritage documents, books, newspapers, and photo materials; Competition of wrapping, cooking banh chung, and pounding banh giay; Open Swimming Competition...
The festival is held solemnly and respectfully

The Ceremony part of the Hung Temple Festival will be held solemnly, solemnly, respectfully and communally, while always ensuring safety, civility and savings. As for the Association's activities, they are closely linked with cultural, sports and tourism events, forming a series of Culture - Tourism Week activities; Expressing the unique cultural identity of Dat To region, while attracting a large number of tourists to create strengths in tourism and cultural resources of Phu Tho province.

The Hung King's Anniversary is an opportunity for you to educate future generations about the origins and great gratitude of the Hung Kings who created the country and the country. Ancestor's Anniversary is an opportunity for the children of Vietnam to promote to the world an extremely valuable, national Heritage that has existed for thousands of years. Just as Uncle Ho once advised: The Hung Kings had the merit of building the country - We must work together to protect the country.