The Flash movie - loop between past and future

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Bộ phim The Flash - vòng lặp giữa quá khứ và tương lai


The movie The Flash was released on June 16, 2023, making fans excited because of the touching story of the Flash as well as the return of movie actor Michael Keaton as Batman.

The return of Batman and the characters in The Flash

The movie will feature two Barry Allens in the same frame, this is a challenge for the actor playing Flash - Ezra Miller. The two characters have opposite personalities due to different life circumstances, creating countless funny and sad situations in their journey to save the world.

After 30 years, fans of superhero movies as well as fans of Batman were bursting with joy when they witnessed actor Michael Keaton once again donning the black cape to represent the identity of Batman. At the age of 71, Michael Keaton still shines extremely brightly when playing the dark hero. The audience is also excited to enjoy Batman's side story line from a funny old man returning to the task of saving the world with all the wisdom in both intellect and personality.

The meeting of The Flash and Michael Keaton's 1989 version of Batman is an interesting intersection between the present and the past. The scene of Michael Keaton reappearing with the black and yellow Batman logo, climbing into the "batmobile" or legendary bat-wing jet, combined with the famous saying of Batman (1989 version): "You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts!” means a lot to DC fans. The movie The Flash not only brings meaningful scenes, but is also a tribute to DC's spiritual heritage.

Will the clash between Batman and Flash resolve the danger?

Supergirl's appearance also adds a twist to The Flash . This character arose in a new time branch created by Barry Allen. The story of this talented, young female superhero is also revealed quite attractively. Actress Sasha Calle is the person who transformed into Supergirl. Thanks to his impressive appearance and charisma, this character quickly made an impression on viewers even though the psychological aspect has not been fully exploited. The future of Supergirl in the DC cinematic universe will probably be very promising.

Engaging plot and many meaningful messages

The first part of the film spends a lot of time introducing Barry's situation. He had a happy childhood with his family before his mother died and his father plunged into prison. Barry becomes lonely and longs for happiness. So, ignoring Batman's warning about using powers that could cause chaos in the multiverse, Barry still decided to use superpowers to change the past, just hoping to see his mother's smile. once again.

However, Barry's attempt to save his family takes him into an alternate future, where General Zod returns and threatens the very existence of the world. In this future, there are no superheroes to the rescue, unless Barry can convince another Batman and free a captive Kryptonian.

Barry's melancholy eyes touched many audiences

The story delves deeply into the life and psychological aspects of Barry Allen. The Flash 2023 asks the question: if you could go back to the past, what would you do? For Barry, he only has one wish: to save his mother. At the same time, the two versions of The Flash meeting each other symbolizes this superhero's inner dialogue and review of his past. There are scenes in the film where Barry feels angry when he sees his younger self throw away a keepsake his mother gave him. In addition, the scene of Barry in The Flash costume, looking at his old house with tears in his eyes, also touched the audience. The film sends an important message that we should cherish happiness in the present before it is too late.

Positive revenue in the Vietnamese film market

It cannot be denied that the movie The Flash 2023 brings many meaningful messages about family love, which unintentionally dilutes the film's flow. According to Exhibitor Relations analyst Jeff Bock, he said: "When you have a movie set in a multiverse, this requires the audience to recall details from previously released movies. to be able to enjoy the current events." This also unintentionally causes audiences who have not yet gone to theaters to watch DC movies to lose interest in this movie.

The Flash is invested very meticulously in the hope of bringing breakthrough revenue

However, the film still achieved very positive revenue at the Vietnamese box office that day. Superhero movie "followers" in Vietnam are always ready to welcome new episodes of the "pet chicken" from the DC universe. Many people also gave very positive reviews about the movie, helping The Flash 2023 has new viewers.

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