Revealing 5 hand-eye coordination games for babies

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Bật mí 5 trò chơi phối hợp tay mắt cho bé


Hand-eye coordination is an important skill that helps children enhance hand-eye coordination in daily activities as well as in learning. To practice this skill for children from an early age, parents should incorporate hand-eye coordination games . When children have the ability to observe and grasp everything, they will become a comprehensive person both mentally and physically.

Hand-eye coordination game with lego or modeling clay

Toys such as Lego or modeling clay will be great tools to help your baby develop hand-eye coordination, and this activity also stimulates creativity and inspiration for children. In the process of searching to find suitable puzzle pieces, your baby's hand coordination and observation ability also improve quickly.

Clay toys will create opportunities for babies to observe colors and think about objects they have seen, then realize them through their little hands. These two types of toys also help children develop fine motor skills because they have to use their fingers continuously during the assembly and shaping process.

Playing with lego or clay will improve your baby's coordination and creative thinking

Create shapes together with bath soap bubbles

To create shapes from soap bubbles, we need a lot of soap bubbles. Instead of constantly rubbing with your hands, parents can immediately buy theBubble Crab product . This wall-mounted crab will easily create a lot of dough for your child to unleash his creativity. Let's start the hand-eye coordination game in the bathroom

In the first step, the mother instructs the child to use foam to shape a ball, or use foam to shape the child's hair. After that, mothers can let their babies create imaginative objects through foam. Children can use their hands to attach foam to the edge of the bathtub or to the wall. During that process, mothers can suggest or play with their children to make bath time more fun.

Bath time is more fun with soap bubbles from bubble crabs

Note: This hand-eye coordination game is for babies over 3 months old. Babies under 3 months old should not bathe for too long to avoid losing the natural oils on their skin, making them susceptible to illness.

See more articles: How to choose quality, safe bath toys for your baby

Puzzle game

If your baby is old enough to distinguish the shapes of puzzle pieces, parents can let them play hand-eye coordination games like puzzles. Puzzles are divided into many levels of difficulty with different numbers of pieces. Parents can contact Mykingdom's customer service department for the most thorough advice!

When children first start playing puzzles, parents should let them try with 2D puzzles so that they get used to it and don't get discouraged. After your baby gets used to it, you can switch to 3D puzzles - this type of puzzle has a great effect in developing hand-eye coordination, and also creates beautiful display models for your baby to put on the table. Learn or show off to everyone.

Extremely beautiful 3D puzzle toy, can be displayed anywhere

Refer to the article: How to preserve children's puzzle toys

Draw or scribble on paper

An activity that may seem naughty but is actually an effective hand-eye coordination game . Colorful drawings have a very good effect in enhancing children's cognition and vision. When children practice holding pencils or crayons, their hand muscles will be continuously exercised and this activity will also help a lot when children reach school age. In addition, your child's innocent drawings will also remain as a childhood memory.

Not stopping at drawing pages, parents can buy their children white T-shirts or brand new cards so they can draw funny pictures themselves. These products can be kept as gifts for loved ones for the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.

Let your child draw their own pictures according to their ideas

Play badminton or tennis

Hand-eye coordination games like badminton or tennis require children to continuously observe the movement of the shuttlecock/ball, and swing their hands in time to send them flying. This game not only helps children have fun times, but also increases the amount of exercise so that they have a healthy and flexible body.

Every weekend, parents should take their children to the soccer field or park to play with them. This activity will strengthen the family's bond and help members relax.

Playing badminton not only helps develop hands and eyes but also makes children stronger

Which of the hand-eye coordination games above do you like best? Parents, please choose a suitable activity and apply it today to help your baby develop comprehensively and become healthier!