Outside of school, many parents also want to teach their children math at home, so that children not only improve their scores, but also develop their thinking and reflexes. Then don't miss the following article sharing ways to teach your child to do mental arithmetic quickly .
How to teach children to calculate quickly according to each age
We need to divide the methods of teaching children mental arithmetic by age to choose the method that best suits them both in terms of providing knowledge and entertainment. Children are naturally very active, so in order for children to learn more things without getting bored, parents need to choose the right way
Grade 1, Grade 2 stage
Use flashcards according to the child's interests
The flashcard method is always trusted by many parents because children can repeat the same knowledge many times to help them remember it for a long time and understand how to apply it. Furthermore, when studying with flashcards, parents can let their children study on their own or create more games to make learning more interesting. For example, turn over 2 random cards and then add or subtract; Parents and children turn over the cards together, whoever can read the results faster wins... You can buy or make your own cards according to your child's preferences. If you like cats, you can draw different numbers of cats on flashcards, if you like flowers, then draw flowers...
Homemade flashcards will have many images that suit your child's interests
Addition and subtraction game
This is an effective game for children to apply the knowledge they have learned in class, while also helping them think more quickly. Parents will set a target number, then ask their child to add or subtract 2 numbers between 1-10 to create the target number. Likewise, once your child has easily mastered the calculations of single-digit numbers, you can increase the difficulty by setting the target number between 10-20.
The addition and subtraction game is simple but very effective for children to remember for a long time
How to teach children quick mental arithmetic in grades 3 to 6
At this age, your baby has learned the multiplication table and can add and subtract three-digit numbers, and solve math problems using multiple calculations. Here is a quick way to teach your child mental arithmetic that you can apply to help your child learn better:
Continue using flashcards
You can absolutely reuse previously made flashcards, but instead of adding and subtracting, ask your child to do multiplication and division. Parents must be ready to answer all of their children's questions because their children will have many curiosities about what they are learning.
Play puzzles
Children love games that are exploratory and challenging, so puzzle games are an effective way to teach children quick mental arithmetic . There are many genres for parents to play with their children such as 2048, sudoku, math maze. Your child will need to calculate and use thinking to find the correct number.
Challenging puzzle games will stimulate children's abilities
Give real life examples
Mothers can take their children to the supermarket with them, then choose some low-priced items and ask them to add them up, round up... to pay. At the same time, mom also gives suggestions on which items we should leave behind to minimize costs or how many snack packs are needed to exchange for 1 piece of meat... to stimulate the child's thinking. When you know how expensive living costs are, your child will stop nagging and asking to buy unnecessary things.
How to teach children math to quickly calculate calculations mentally
Learn addition
There are 3 ways to teach children to quickly mentally calculate addition:
- Help your child understand and apply the commutative property. For example: 7 + 4 = 4 + 7.
- Apply three-digit addition to teach children to apply the commutative property to form combinations of 10 for faster mental math. For example: 2 + 3 + 7 = 2 + (7 + 3) = 2 + (10) = 12.
- Teach children to remember addition of two equal numbers. For example: 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4, 3 + 3 = 6, ...10 + 10 = 20. This method also lays the foundation for children to learn multiplication faster.
Parents need to teach rules so that children can remember addition longer
Mentally calculate subtraction
To help children calculate more accurately, parents can teach them how to count from the subtracted number to the subtracted number to see how many more units are needed to make the difference. For example, 9 - 4 = ?, your child needs to count 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to know that the result of this calculation is 9 - 4 = 5.
How to teach children to quickly mentally calculate multiplication
First, you teach your child to understand the value of numbers in multiplication. For example: 6 x 0 = 0.
Next is understanding the value of number 1. A number multiplied by 1 will always equal itself. For example: 6 x 1 = 6.
Teach your child the exchange property of multiplication. Changing the position of the multipliers does not affect their value. For example: 5 x 25 x 2 = 25 x 5 x 2 = 25 x 10 =250.
Calculate division
Division is also the most difficult math operation for children. Parents can suggest to their children how to do quick mental math by dividing by multiples of 10. For example, 50,000 : 10 = 5000; 50,000 : 100 = 500; 50,000 : 1000 = 50.
Then, let your child use the number divided by 5 as the quotient of the calculation 10: 2 = 5. Whenever your child needs to divide a number by 5, instruct him or her to divide by 10 and then multiply by 2 to get the result. accurate results. For example: 1230 : 5 = 1230 : 10 x 2.
Division is very difficult, if your child needs help, don't hesitate to help
The above mentioned ways to teach children mental math faster are very easy to do and effective. Parents can also help their children develop thinking in many aspects with toys such as: role-playing toys , assembly toys , intellectual toys... To help children learn math better as well as increase interaction. For children, parents need to work hard to teach their children and accompany them in each stage of growth.