Tell mothers simple ways to help improve children's reading skills

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Reading is one of the important skills that any child needs to learn. Developing children's reading skills will help them increase their ability to remember and process information well. At the same time, children are also stimulated to be curious, eager to learn and explore the world around them. Therefore, whether your child knows how to read fluently or just learned to read, parents should apply the following ways to teach children to read to develop their children's reading skills as early as possible.

Read aloud books that match your child's interests

Parents should not be too rigid in choosing the type of material, but can choose many different types such as books, newspapers, magazines, websites... It is best to use books with topics that suit your child's interests to create content. be excited and excited. In particular, when reading aloud a book that your child likes, your child will better remember the pronunciation skills, rhythm and information that the book conveys.

Teach children key letters and words

For children who are just learning to read, parents should point out special words to explain and emphasize the meaning of that word. For example, "Try to find the word cat on this page? Do you see the letter m in the word cat?" Or parents can also help their baby recognize the words in their name to create familiarity.

Read together in turns

Parents should try to create a habit of reading books for their children every day. This is also a simple and effective way to teach children reading skills that many parents have applied successfully. However, instead of letting your baby read on his or her own, parents can take turns reading with your baby or play role-playing games together to increase the appeal. This also helps children become more confident and improve their reading skills by imitating the same inflections, accents, and tones as their parents.

Help your child when encountering difficult words

Even adults sometimes encounter difficult words or confusing sentences. And children are similar. At this time, parents should not force their children to read, but tell them to skip that word, read the rest and then come back to learn more. This way of teaching reading skills to children will help them remember better in the future.

Increase children's vocabulary through observation

Usually children will remember images more easily and quickly than words. Therefore, by attaching a specific image to a word and repeating it many times, your baby will remember many words and better understand the meaning of that word.

Let your child play with intellectual toys

There are many interesting intellectual toys that parents can use to improve their children's reading skills. Highly rated toys today include multi-purpose fun learning books , fun learning music players for children , smart tablets from Fisher Price, 2-sided standing drawing board with accessories from Grown Up... These items This toy not only brings relaxing fun, but also helps children develop their senses, stimulate curiosity, and improve children's reading skills with attractive games.

Talk to children often

Many scientific studies have proven that parents who regularly talk to their children by telling stories will help children expand their vocabulary and understanding. Therefore, parents should not ignore this useful way to teach reading skills to children, wherever they are. When going for a walk or after reading a book, parents should encourage children to discuss what they have encountered or read. This will encourage children to express their own opinions and thoughts and understand the plot better.

With the above ways to teach reading skills to children, hopefully parents will have more useful information to help their children develop language and confidence. At Mykingdom, there are many intellectual toys to help children play passionately and develop many necessary skills. All products here are carefully researched and designed to suit each age and stage of child development. In particular, toys at Mykingdom also have clear origin, coming from famous brands in the world, ensuring high quality and high safety.

To choose and buy genuine smart toys with the latest designs and most attractive prices, parents can visit the website .