List of interesting activities to do on Christmas day

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
List các hoạt động thú vị nên làm trong ngày lễ Giáng sinh


Many people think that the Christmas festival is only for Christians. But in reality Christmas has become a major festival that most people eagerly look forward to. On this special occasion, friends and family members often gather, gather and experience many interesting activities together to show love and connection. So what are the popular Christmas activities? Let's find out with the article below.

Decorate the Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is one of the indispensable symbols of Christmas. So every Christmas, everyone comes together to shop and decorate the Christmas tree with baubles, reindeer, stars, Santa Claus, gift boxes... all eye-catching and cheerful colors.

Santa Claus gives gifts

At Christmas, you will easily see the image of Santa Claus (in disguise) carrying a large bag of gifts to give to children. This form of Christmas gift giving originated from the birth of the Baby Jesus and has a deep religious meaning.

Accordingly, when Jesus was born in a manger, three astrologers came and gave him many different gifts such as gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The poor people had nothing so they only brought vegetables to offer to God. Since then, giving Christmas gifts as a blessing has become a popular activity.

Give Christmas cards

Besides Christmas gifts, you can attach or give lovely Christmas cards. Above the card will show your thoughts and sincere wishes that you want to send to the recipient. This will help you easily express your care and love and the other person can also feel it.

Hang Christmas stockings

Hanging Christmas stockings is a way for children to express their wishes to Santa Claus. This activity is explained that in the past, Saint Nicolas used to send bags of gold through the kitchen chimney to help the poor. When this bag of gold fell, it got stuck on a pile of socks drying nearby. Therefore, hanging stockings is a Christmas activity that represents wishing for good luck.

Stockings used to decorate Christmas are often bright red with many colorful flowers. In addition, these socks are also decorated with many lovely symbolic images such as snowflakes, reindeer, Santa Claus...

Organize a Christmas party

Christmas is an occasion for family members, friends, and colleagues to gather together to share, love, and give. On this day, people often organize cozy parties with traditional dishes such as turkey, log cake, ginger cake, pudding... Listen to music together, enjoy a meaningful or simple movie. Simply chatting about interesting things in everyday life.

Celebrate Christmas at church

Christmas is a religious celebration so you will feel the true festive atmosphere at churches. On this occasion, the churches are decorated extremely splendidly and eye-catching with many vibrant and cheerful Christmas activities. Don't forget to dress your little ones in cute, warm outfits to save memorable photos.

Hopefully the information shared just now has helped you know popular Christmas activities. This Christmas season, if parents need to prepare Christmas gifts for loved ones or friends, please visit the Mykingdom website at: to freely choose gifts with many attractive incentives.