What is the solution when children are too "obsessed" with iPads and technology devices?

06.06.2023   BTV huy.tranminh
Giải pháp nào khi các bé quá "mê mẩn" iPad và thiết bị công nghệ?


When surfing through some videos for children on YouTube channels, we often encounter many entertaining videos without educational content. For example, a video is just a "trick" of a doll, with a few movements such as falling and bumping, but has a lot of "views", nearly 100 million views. But this content is viewed a lot even by children under 2 years old.

Nowadays, TVs or iPads connect so well to Youtube, so children's access to entertainment videos on this channel is too great. Many parents know that this is not good, but cutting back is really difficult to do.

What do parents with children "addicted to iPad" say?

A mother of an 18-month-old baby shared: The baby likes to hold the phone and watch videos all day. Children know how to turn on the YouTube channel and watch it themselves. If you take it back, your baby will cry and throw a tantrum.

Another shared by a father with a 3-year-old son: "Even if you ban it or reduce the time, it won't work, he asks for it almost every time. All you need is a TV and a video downloaded on YouTube for your baby to sit and watch all morning, without crying or asking for anything. Sometimes, families find TV quite beneficial, so they only limit it around baby's mealtimes."

Are you experiencing the same concerns as the two parents above? It is true that it is very difficult to ban or limit this when children have begun to become "addicted". However, it is not true that there is no solution to this situation.

Why are children easily "addicted" to videos?

There are many children's videos on YouTube today, even an endless source. However, there are many videos that are just for entertainment purposes, like music or fun activities with no educational purpose. Fun music or images only help children's engagement and concentration. But, the content will not stay long enough in the brain to create the memory needed for learning. These videos are only for entertainment purposes and to occupy children's time. Furthermore, young children can become addicted and spend more time watching these types of videos.

What should parents do in this situation?

It is best to minimize the introduction of electronic screen devices such as iPads, phones, or TVs to children under 5 years old. Especially do not use devices to "buy quiet time" or to "kill time" for children. What happens when a child becomes addicted? Instead of letting children become addicted to watching videos alone on electronic devices, parents should do these 2 things:

1. Spend time watching with your children. This will better manage your child's screen time and can manage the content they watch. For children 2-5 years old, total screen time should be limited to <60 minutes/day.

2. Choose video formats with the following two properties:

• Entertaining: The video has music or cartoon characters and beautiful images.

• Conveys familiar activities: The video must be both fun and entertaining for children, but also convey content about children's daily activities. For example, take a shower, brush your teeth, go to bed, go on a picnic or play in the park.

According to the report of the group of Dr. Sarah R., Temple University, when videos convey familiar images such as brushing teeth, turning off the lights when going to bed, taking a bath... these videos will redraw or recall familiar activities that children have experienced, creating a new image. Recalling images on the brain will help the process of learning content, instead of just watching purposeless entertainment videos. The content conveyed must be familiar and so that children can see familiar images in the activity, it will be effective.


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