Is Kinetic Sand good? Instructions on how to distinguish real and fake kinetic sand

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Cát động lực Kinetic Sand có tốt không? Hướng dẫn cách phân biệt cát động lực thật và giả


Recently, kinetic sand toys for babies have become a "fever" toy among young people. Not only does it create attraction with its outstanding and highly entertaining features, kinetic sand also makes players love it because of its safety and many benefits for children's development.

However, in the current toy market, besides genuine Kinetic Sand produced exclusively by the famous Spin Master toy company, the appearance of other types of kinetic sand of unknown origin causes Parents are concerned.

According to recommendations from health safety experts, poor quality kinetic sand toys can contain toxic substances that affect children's health. Therefore, parents should only buy kinetic sand toys of clear origin and reputable quality for their children to play with. So is Kinetic Sand kinetic sand toy good? And how to distinguish between genuine Kinetic Sand and fake ones. Find out now in the following article:

Origin of Kinetic Sand kinetic sand toys

Starting from the perception that "children always enjoy the game of building sand castles" , the toy company Spin Master has launched the kinetic sand toy Kinetic Sand. This toy is both highly entertaining and contributes significantly to developing children's soft skills and creativity.

How to distinguish between real and fake Kinetic Sand

To distinguish between genuine Kinetic Sand and imitation, poor quality products, parents need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Kinetic Sand product packaging design is modern and sturdy

Genuine Kinetic Sand is designed in modern and extremely sturdy packaging. Furthermore, the colors and printing on the packaging are very sharp and luxurious.

Kinetic Sand has natural, safe ingredients

The main ingredients of Kinetic Sand are 98% natural sand and 2% binder, containing no toxic substances. Each Kitnetic Sand kinetic sand toy product has passed strict testing and meets international standards. Therefore, the product completely ensures safety for children's health.

On the contrary, kinetic sand has unclear origins and poor quality ingredients, so it can affect children's skin and health.

Kinetic Sand is easy to play with and easy to shape

Kinetic sand toys have high adhesion, are soft and easy to shape to your liking. With the included molds, your baby will easily create many new and interesting shapes such as castles, animals... without falling over.

Chinese kinetic sand has poor adhesion and is easily fragmented, making shaping difficult and unsatisfactory.

Kinetic Sand is non-sticky and easy to clean

Another outstanding advantage of Kinetic Sand kinetic sand toys is that they do not stick to your hands when playing. At the same time, after playing, mothers can easily clean up and clean. Moms can even use a vacuum cleaner to clean kinetic sand particles that fall on the floor.

Poor quality kinetic sand can easily stick to your hands. When playing, the sand easily loosens and sticks to your hands, making it very uncomfortable.

Kinetic Sand has a long shelf life

Chinese kinetic sand will become dry and moldy after a period of use. Kinetic Sand toys will never dry out because they don't stick together but will fall apart. This will help kinetic sand have a longer playing time than regular clay and modeling clay.

However, when playing with kinetic sand, parents should remind children to keep their hands from getting wet or wet. Because when your hands are wet, this sand will stick to your hands and cause discomfort.

Kinetic Sand shaping sand has a pleasant smell

Kinetic Sand usually has a faint smell like natural sand. Many products are also supplemented with the characteristic aroma of fruits and cakes, which is very attractive. Meanwhile, "fake" kinetic sand has a bad smell because it is mainly composed of poor quality plastic.

Some fun games with Kinetic Sand

Create models based on available mold sets or based on your child's wonderful imagination such as houses, castles, animals...

Write or draw animal pictures or children's names on the smooth surface of kinetic sand.

Combine with model vehicles such as trucks, dump trucks... to play with kinetic sand. Children can play role-playing games with friends and do interesting activities such as helping dump trucks carry sand, off-road vehicles in dynamic sand deserts...

Play a game to find mysterious treasures hidden in kinetic sand such as seashells, coins, toy character models...

The information shared above will hopefully help parents clearly understand Kinetic Sand and how to distinguish between real and fake Kinetic Sand . To buy genuine Kinetic Sand products, parents can visit Mykingdom's website at to own this interesting toy with many options. Diverse designs, eye-catching colors and super preferential prices.