Revealing effective ways to teach drawing to children right at home

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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In the previous article, parents must have learned about the benefits of letting children learn to draw . Especially for children of preschool age, teaching them to draw will help train their dexterity, increase positive emotions, and develop creative thinking and rich imagination. However, not all parents know how to teach drawing to their children to create excitement and effectiveness. To answer this question, Mykingdom will share the best ways to teach drawing to children at home today. Parents, please consult.

When should parents teach their children to draw?

Normally, children aged 2-3 years old are curious and interested in the colors and shapes of things and objects in the world around them. Starting from 4-5 years old, children can use pencils and crayons to draw what they observe. Until 5-6 years old, children can use their memory to recreate things vividly. This is considered the time when children's observation, memory, concentration, and imagination develop most strongly.

According to educational experts, children from 3.5 to 4 years old are the ideal stage to teach them how to draw and color . If parents know how to properly teach drawing to their children, from the first scribbles, children will be inspired by their passion and become more and more proficient and soulful in drawing.

What should you pay attention to when teaching drawing to children at home?

Teach your child the sitting position when drawing

Sitting posture is a basic note in teaching drawing to children. If your baby sits in the wrong position, it can easily affect the baby's spine and future skeletal development. Parents need to choose tables and chairs that are the right height for their children, and guide them to sit up straight with their feet firmly planted on the floor.

Teach your child how to hold a pen

Besides sitting posture, holding the pen correctly is also extremely important when teaching children to draw. Parents show children how to use the thumb, index finger and middle finger to form a "tripod" position, holding the brush at a 45-degree angle. Because the baby is still young, parents need to be patient and model it for the baby to see first. Your baby will gradually absorb and become more and more proficient in the operations.

Teach children about the concepts of colors and shapes

As for how to teach drawing to children at home, parents should start by introducing the concepts of basic colors and shapes first. Specifically, parents should teach their children to draw simple shapes such as squares, circles, rectangles, triangles... with colors such as red, blue, yellow... This is very important. It is important for children to develop their creative thinking ability and arouse their passion for painting in the future.

Create an environment that encourages your child to be creative

Parents should create comfortable conditions and space to encourage children to be creative and develop their rich imagination with drawing supplies such as colored pencils, wax pencils, erasers, paper, and wall-mounted drawing boards. , mobile drawing board, coloring pictures... Thanks to that, your child will enjoy participating in drawing activities right at home without drawing everywhere.

Ways to teach drawing to children according to each age

Teaching drawing to 2 year old children

The 2-year-old baby has developed fine motor skills and is starting to draw purposefully. The best way to teach drawing to 2-year-old children is to give them more choices of colored pencils to create interest. At this age, children can draw basic lines such as straight, dotted, diagonal, zigzag. Although the lines are still squiggly, they can help your baby associate them with the animals they have observed. Gradually, parents should teach their children to draw familiar objects such as flowers, the sun, apples...

Teaching drawing to 3 year old children

Children aged 3 years and older have strong brain development, so they learn very quickly. At this time, parents can teach their children to draw simple things like fruits and learn letters through coloring.

Teaching drawing to 4 year old children

Children as young as 4 years old are able to hold a pen more proficiently than before, so their drawings are clearer. The way to teach drawing to 4-year-old children is to teach them to draw simple animals with more difficult shapes and strokes. Besides, parents can teach numbers so that their children can play and learn effectively. Parents should still use basic drawing books and coloring books for children at this age.

Teaching drawing to 5 year old children

From age 5 onwards, children can draw objects with more complex shapes. Besides topics about things your baby observes in life, parents should let your baby freely express themselves and their imagination. Regarding how to teach drawing to children at this stage, parents should pay attention to instructing their children about bold and bright shapes, and the objects in the picture are described in more detail. This will help your baby have the opportunity to develop thinking, creativity and perfect their brain.

Above are effective ways to teach drawing to children that parents can apply right at home. It is important that parents need to accompany their children to guide, encourage and motivate them. To buy the best art, dexterity, and crafting toys for your baby, parents should visit Mykingdom Toy Kingdom's website at: . Many types of drawing, painting, and coloring supplies suitable for each age, gender, and hobby from world-famous brands such as Crayola and Grown Up for parents to choose from. All of these products have been thoroughly researched, fully ensuring international toy standards, so parents can feel secure.