Mini backpacks, fashionable crossbody bags - Which items should you choose for your beautiful baby for spring travel?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Ba lô mini, túi đeo chéo thời trang - Nên chọn món đồ nào cho bé xinh du xuân?


Mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags have long been considered familiar companions of children when going to school or going out. They are not only used to store necessary items but are also lovely fashion accessories, helping your baby stand out and become much more adorable.

Currently on the market there are many beautiful fashionable backpacks and crossbody bags with many diverse designs and colors. However, choosing which type is fashionable, stylish, and most importantly, suitable for your baby is something not everyone knows.

So is choosing a mini backpack or crossbody bag appropriate? Let's find out and prepare for your baby an "extreme" companion for your baby to travel everywhere in spring, parents.

Reasons your child should own a mini backpack or fashionable crossbody bag

Used to store necessary items for your baby

Whether going to school or going out, children need to be equipped with a mini backpack or crossbody bag with them. Because this item is extremely useful in storing necessary furniture and items for your baby. The items will be arranged neatly and orderly, avoiding the situation where the baby leaves things lying around and messy.

Create a habit of being tidy and dividing everything scientifically

Mini backpacks or crossbody bags are often divided into small compartments. Parents will guide their children to divide and arrange furniture in a more reasonable and neat way. Therefore, owning a lovely backpack or favorite bag not only helps your child get excited about going to school and going out, it will also help form neat habits and a careful personality for them.

Brings comfort and convenience

A good backpack is not only beautiful and fashionable but also brings convenience and comfort to your baby. Compared to bulky suitcases that are difficult to move, mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags are much more compact and reasonable. Not only is it easy and quick for children to pick up things, but it is also convenient to move around.

Protect children's health

For young children, the skeletal system is still quite weak. Therefore, parents should choose bags and backpacks that are suitable for their children. Bulky backpacks or large cross-body bags when used for a long time will affect children's health. Not only does it cause pain and discomfort in the shoulders when worn, but it can also affect the spine, even leading to a hunchback.

Therefore, parents should consider buying mini backpacks or crossbody bags of appropriate sizes for their children . If possible, invest in mini backpacks and crossbody bags from reputable brands with carefully researched products to protect your child's health.

Choose a mini backpack or a fashionable crossbody bag for girls to travel in the spring?

Mini backpack for girls


Owning a backpack for your baby not only creates a dynamic fashion style but is also very convenient. Children can comfortably store necessary items. Because backpacks are often divided into many small compartments so children can classify and arrange their belongings.


Backpacks often have a fairly simple, less soft design. For little girls who like the "banh beo" princess style and often wear dresses, they often do not like to wear backpacks.

Fashionable crossbody bag


Handbags, especially crossbody bags, often have fashionable designs. Baby can comfortably combine with many different accessories, from clothes, shoes to jewelry. Furthermore, the crossbody bag is quite compact, convenient to carry without worrying about getting in the way.


Compared to other types of backpacks, fashionable crossbody bags cannot hold many items. If your child is traveling or going out, they need to choose a larger sized handbag or a suitable backpack.

Backpacks or handbags both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, depending on the needs and preferences, parents choose the right type for their baby.

Instructions on how to choose mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags suitable for your baby

About your baby's interests

Mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags are considered close companions of children. Therefore, let children choose their "friends". This is very important, because when your baby really loves it, he will be interested in using it and carrying it with him.

To choose the right mini backpack or fashionable crossbody bag to suit your child's preferences, parents should bring their child along to choose. Or ask your child before buying the type of backpack or handbag he or she likes, such as the color, image or character he or she likes...

About size

Choosing a mini backpack or fashionable crossbody bag also requires paying attention to size. Depending on the weight and height of each child, parents choose the appropriate backpack or handbag. Be careful not to choose backpacks that are too big for your baby's body shape. Because the size is too big, it will make the baby feel uncomfortable and difficult to move.

About weight

To ensure the baby's health, parents should choose backpacks and handbags whose weight accounts for 10% of the baby's body. Heavy weight will affect the child's shoulder bones and spine. In the long term, it will cause shoulder dislocation or hunchback.

About material

The next factor that parents should pay attention to when choosing backpacks and handbags for their children is the material. Today, on the market there are many backpacks and handbags made from many different materials. Prioritize products made with materials that are safe and friendly to your baby's health. Furthermore, today's backpacks and handbags are also sewn with water-resistant materials, which is very convenient.

About color

Color is an important factor when choosing to buy mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags for children. Baby girls are not always colors like pink, yellow, purple... or baby boys are colors like black, gray, blue... However, according to scientific research, colors also change. based on the interests of children at different ages.

During the period from 0-10 years old, boys often tend to choose yellow, turquoise, green, and girls like pink, blue, or purple backpacks . During the 11-19 year old period, boys like gray, blue, and white, while girls like black, red, and orange.

About patterns

Pattern is also a factor parents need to pay attention to when choosing backpacks and handbags for their children. Usually, boys tend to choose backpacks with strong patterns such as superheroes and cartoon characters. Girls will like sparkling, plaid backpacks and crossbody bags or those with cute characters printed on them like dolls, princesses, fairies...

Currently, on the market there are many beautiful, trendy and multi-sized backpacks and handbags for children. Hopefully this article will help parents find the right backpack and crossbody bag for their children.

At Mykingdom, besides the world of colorful and diverse toys, mini backpacks and fashionable crossbody bags are also items chosen by many parents. The backpacks and crossbody bags here come from famous brands such as DoniDino Backpacks , Clever Hippo Backpacks ... Youthful design, compact style, harmonious colors. Furthermore, the material is high quality and has good water resistance.

Please visit the website now to shop for your baby with unique backpacks and handbags.