Sharing tips for teaching children to play independently that any mother can apply

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Although parents playing with their children brings many benefits to their children's development. However, there are times when children need to know how to play alone. This is an important step for children to learn to be independent and develop their confidence and imagination. Besides, teaching children to play independently also helps parents have free time to work and rest while still ensuring the safety of their children.

So how to teach children to play independently most effectively? Parents, please refer to the information in the following article:

Play with your child in the beginning

In the beginning, parents can explore with their children the toys they have. For example, learn how to assemble a LEGO set or drive a toy car. At the same time, encourage your child to try new ways and come up with ways to make play more interesting and creative.

Teach children to play independently but do not leave them

After your child knows how to play with toys, parents should slowly separate and teach them to play independently. Or just observe, encourage and guide your child from afar. However, any child feels excited when playing with friends and parents. Therefore, parents need to be careful that even though their children can play alone, they must always keep an eye on them. This not only helps limit unwanted accidents but also shows parents' care and love for their children.

Do not bring all the toys for your child to play with at the same time

For young children, especially children under 18 months old, parents need to let their children get acquainted and interact with each toy. Because when children play with too many toys at the same time, they will quickly lose interest. Therefore, parents should only let children play with one to two toys. If children feel bored, parents can encourage them with new ways to play or let them play with some other toys.

Only then will children learn and discover all the uses of each toy on their own. This is also an effective way to teach children to play independently that many parents apply.

Always cheer and encourage children

Cheering and encouraging is also one of the ways to teach children to play independently that parents should not ignore. For example, if your child plays chef with Play-doh, parents can praise the lively and eye-catching cakes or dishes the child makes. Or when children assemble a new LEGO model, parents should not forget to encourage their children's creativity.

Develop a habit of cleaning up toys

After each play session, parents should let their children clean up their toys and put them in the right places. This will help children form neat and tidy habits. Furthermore, finding toys for the next time you play is also much easier and more convenient.

Let your child have the right to choose and decide

By letting your child choose the toy he likes, parents will make him excited and feel respected. For example, when mom is busy doing something, she can ask her child "Later I have to meet with my aunt and uncle for about 1 hour, can you play alone? What do you like to play?"

Parents need to note that teaching children to play independently also depends on each child's personality. For children who are not used to playing alone, parents should not force them but should be patient to gradually teach them to play independently. In addition, whether children play alone depends on their physical condition and emotions at each moment. When they are hungry, tired or sick, they will want their parents to be by their side and refuse to play alone.

Above are some experiences in teaching children to play independently that any parent can do. As long as there is patience and love, parents will definitely teach children to play independently and feel confident. At Mykingdom, there are many attractive children's toy products to help children play passionately and develop comprehensively.

All of Mykingdom's products are carefully researched and designed to be age-appropriate, guaranteed to be educational and help children develop comprehensively. In particular, toys at Mykingdom all have clear brands and origins and have passed strict quality standards to ensure high quality and safety.

To choose and buy genuine smart toys for babies with the latest designs and most attractive prices, parents can visit the website .