Tips for teaching children to learn the alphabet quickly and remember it longest

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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The alphabet is considered the first step to help children learn and read Vietnamese words. Therefore, many parents want their children to get acquainted and learn the alphabet from an early age. However, children often have poor concentration and get bored quickly, so teaching them letters is not easy. So is this the right stage to teach your baby letters? What should parents do to teach their children to learn letters quickly and remember them for a long time? Join Mykingdom to answer these questions in the following article.

Should children be taught letters early?

Anyone cannot deny the importance of the alphabet to children's reading and learning process. Furthermore, if you know how to teach your child to learn letters correctly, they will enjoy many of the following unexpected benefits.

Increase children's ability to concentrate and remember

Like all other learning tasks, learning letters requires children to concentrate and remember well. Gradually, children will practice and develop their memory and concentration abilities. This is very good for children's absorption and learning of new knowledge.

Enhance self-awareness of learning

Parents should continue to teach their children letters every day at a certain time, so children will form good habits. This is a necessary factor for children to be aware of the importance of learning and self-study in the future.

Form confidence, help children love learning

When children are familiar with the alphabet early on, they will easily absorb knowledge when they go to class. Thanks to that, children feel more confident and interested in learning. If children learn more slowly than expected, parents should not rush to criticize or scold their children, but be patient and find appropriate ways to guide them.

Develop intellectual thinking

Teaching letters to children is considered a way to stimulate thinking, exploration and learning. Because when children grasp the letters, they will expand their awareness of the world around them. From there, intellectual thinking is developed, and children will explore and learn new and more interesting things.

The most suitable time to teach children the letters

Children from 2-3 years old can begin to learn and remember letters. Because at this age, children's cognitive abilities have developed and are general. Children are quite quick to observe and imitate the words, behaviors, and attitudes of those around them. Besides, children are also very curious and enjoy exploring the world.

However, to teach children letters effectively, parents need to be patient. Depending on the age and personality of each child, parents have appropriate ways to teach their children to learn letters. For example, for 3-year-old children, the way to teach children to learn letters is through games to create excitement and comfort. As for 5-year-old children, teaching them letters requires more discipline but not too strict.

Effective ways to teach children to learn letters that parents can apply at home

Teach children letters through songs

One of the simple but effective ways to teach children to learn letters is to use songs. Since your baby is still young, parents should start with songs that are easy to understand and memorize like "O is as round as a chicken egg, if you wear a hat, if you wear a beard"... This method can be applied anywhere. , anytime. Gradually, children will "be absorbed in the rain for a long time", helping them memorize and understand the letters in each song in the most natural way.

Only teach one letter at a time

Children's brains are gradually developing, so teaching them letters needs to be done slowly, little by little. Therefore, parents should teach their children each word one by one and repeat it many times. Each letter will teach a separate topic. Besides, parents need to write and read each specific letter so that their children can imitate and remember it longer.

Use cards with printed letters

To support children's effective teaching of letters at home, parents can use pre-sold letter cards or make their own. This way of teaching children to learn letters will help them feel interested and remember for a long time.

Let your baby play with alphabet learning toys

Young children often like to play more than study, so when parents let their children "learn through play" it will be extremely effective. Parents should create interesting games for their children with the alphabet or use educational toys related to letters to play with them. With this way of teaching children to learn letters, parents will take advantage of all the time and space to teach letters to their children.

Some suggested products from Mykingdom for parents to refer to: Free letter mold B5517 (Play-Doh), Otter learns letters from AZ GCW09 (Fisher Price 19), Fun school bus 80-601300 , Mr.Pencil 80-603400 (Leapfrog) letter backpack ...

Regularly read books to children

Although reading books and stories to your child every day cannot help your child learn to read, it is very useful in evoking a love of books and letters for children. While reading books, parents should also create interaction, ask their children about the content in books and stories so that they can better understand what they hear. On the other hand, reading books will create connection and understanding between parents and children.

Above are some tips on how to teach letters to children that parents can refer to and apply right at home. We hope that parents will have appropriate ways to teach their children to learn letters so that they can learn happily and remember for the longest time. In addition, parents should refer to more useful information in Mykingdom's Handbook section to raise smart children and develop them comprehensively.